Blueisland (Watermagic Series, #4)

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Book: Blueisland (Watermagic Series, #4) by Brighton Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brighton Hill
wondered if Emily was serious when she said I looked gorgeous. At the time, I thought she was messing with me, but now I wasn’t so sure. I should have been relieved that some of my other classmates were having unusual experiences like me, but that recognition only made me more nervous. Were we infected with some sort of weird disease? But more than anything, my curiosity was growing.
    At first , I couldn’t figure out who the guy was who was helping Logan. He also had beautiful long brown hair similar to Logan’s but his was straighter. And his body was just as perfect. The guy seemed so familiar, but I didn’t fully recognize him. Our high school wasn’t all that big. Most of the students I had seen around even if I didn’t know all of them personally. I kept studying his face, wracking my brain.
    Then it came to me. Oh, yeah! I nearly started laughing which seemed really inappropriate. Maybe it was the intense stress that was making me wacky. By accident I let out a little snort. I realized who he was. Andrew Lamar! The high school narc. He was the type of guy who never wanted to leave high school, so he started working there. Oh, crap. He used to be nothing special to look at and now he looked like a model. This was way too freaky.
    Before this all happened, Logan was already eye candy and Andrew was okay, but now they were in a whole other league. It was so fascinating how Andrew’s face had changed so dramatically. I didn’t really know Andrew other than seeing him around school campus reprimanding students, but I guessed that he was only a couple years older than us. I couldn’t remember his original eye color, but now his irises were ocean blue like Logan’s and Savannah’s. I wondered if mine appeared the same. Maybe I was losing it—I snorted again.
    When Logan glanced up at me this time, his jaw dropped. “Tomboy Raz?” After a moment, his light brown brows drew together. “So the kraken didn’t eat you and the gods made you hot!” He said a bunch of curse words as he ran his eyes down my body which would have normally bothered me, but under the circumstances it seemed appropriate.
    I just stared at him feeling very off balance. This whole situation was too surreal. And his voice was much sexier than I remembered. “Are you okay, Raz?” I finally heard Savannah ask. Apparently, she had asked me a series of questions which I hadn’t even heard.
    “ Don’t just stand there,” Logan reprimanded me. “Get some more wood. We need to get the wounded to a hospital. Doesn’t look like anyone is coming for us.” His movie star voice was tense.
    “I doubt if there are any hospitals around here,” I said, thinking his idea was pathetic.
    His jaw clenched and he shot a threatening look at me. His eyes were piercing. If we get out to sea , there might be a ship out there that could rescue us. They are not going to find us here.”
    “I’m sure rescuers will come for us,” I reasoned. “They’re not going to just let a bunch of kids die on an island.”
    “We can’t sit here watching more people die. At least we should try.” Andrew Lamar was tearing the material from clothing that had washed to shore as he spoke. “Tell the homecoming queen and her boyfriend to catch us some fish for the ride.” He motioned over at Emily and Jake who were off to the side on a boulder arguing. I wondered why only some people were different than before the sinking of the yacht while others hadn’t changed.
    I looked around and saw that most people had not changed. Lisa Sorenson and Jessica Bernstein were carrying sticks down from the edge of the jungle and dumping them in a pile. Lisa’s dark brown hair and Jessica’s sun bleached chestnut hair was just as it was before the shipwreck and they didn’t look any different than I remembered them. Though they were pretty by their own rights, Jessica was still obese and Lisa had an average, normal physique.
    I saw that Logan and Andrew were determined to build

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