Blueisland (Watermagic Series, #4)

Free Blueisland (Watermagic Series, #4) by Brighton Hill

Book: Blueisland (Watermagic Series, #4) by Brighton Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brighton Hill
It wasn’t fair. I should have been the dead one—not them. They didn’t want to die—I did.
    I heard voices. Maybe someone needed help. I didn’t have much medical knowledge, but maybe there was something I could do, even just be there for someone. When I got around to the other side of a heap of wreckage, my eyelids popped open so wide you’d have thought my eyeballs might just fall out of my head. It was Savannah standing there trying to make a raft with a group of my classmates!
    So many emotions rushed through me. For a moment I just stood there dumbfounded. Savannah was alive!
    But as thrilled and relieved as I was, I couldn’t believe what she looked like. Plain Jane Savannah certainly wasn’t a wallflower anymore. There was no denying this girl was my best friend Savannah, but hell—she was as hot as a supermodel. Her shoulder length dark straight hair had grown long, shiny, and full like an actress from a hair commercial. Damn! Her nose was smaller, her lips were fuller, and her brown eyes had turned a stunning ocean blue. I didn’t even know she had cheekbones until now. No more round chubby face on this chick.
    Nausea washed over me. This was too bizarre and such an unsettling contrast to all the horror and death around me. It was like someone was playing a sick joke on us all, like some kind of twisted nightmare. Make some kids drop dead gorgeous and mutilate the others. But I wasn’t dreaming. My best friend was stunning and most of my high school class was dead or dying.
    Savannah’s new body was another story. Her hips were broader, her legs were longer, her waist was smaller, and her breasts were bigger—perfect curves. Voluptuous in all the right spots and flawlessly toned. As good as that sounds, it was not right.
    My emotions and thoughts were too mixed up to say anything. But my buddy wasn’t dead and that meant so much. Tears rolled down my cheeks. She was alive. Oh, yeah—alive, live, live. I rushed over to her and we hugged. “I thought you were killed,” I finally managed to say, my throat scratchy from everything I was feeling.
    “ Oh, Raz.” She hugged me. “I was afraid you wouldn’t wake up.”
    “You knew I was passed out under that debris?”
    Tears welled in her eyes as she nodded. “Marcel found you in the forest and gave you to me. I’ve been checking on you. He thought you’d come to sooner than you did, but it’s only been a short while,” she said, holding me away from her by the shoulders as she looked me over. “I can’t believe it.” Her head was shaking slightly back and forth. Though I could tell she was trying to hide her feelings, she looked frightened. “That octopus was scary—wasn’t it? With all those tentacles and the bulging eyes. This is really creepy,” she said in a surprising tone. Then she kept talking, but I couldn’t pay attention to what she was saying because her voice was so strange.
    Even that seemed to have changed. Her vocals sounded huskier with beautiful undertones like that of a seductress in a sultry film. I almost felt like I was listening to a song, not exactly, but almost. Hell, it sounded nearly angelic.
    My mind was whirling. As she continued to talk to me, I looked around feeling rather stunned. The homecoming king, Logan Townsend, was tying branches together with torn fabric and attaching them to make a raft with some other guy. He didn’t seem to notice me yet, but I couldn’t help but notice him.
    The strangest thing was that Logan’s already good looks were also enhanced. His nose wasn’t crooked anymore and his eyes were ocean blue instead of swamp green . He was shirtless and his formerly attractive body was now ripped with lean muscles. I got the feeling by the way he was working and by the way he moved that he was much stronger than before. He was impressive to watch. And his brown short curls were now so long that it surprised me.
    At least I wasn’t the only one undergoing strange transformation s. Now I

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