Lucian's Soul

Free Lucian's Soul by Hazel Gower

Book: Lucian's Soul by Hazel Gower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hazel Gower
first taste of sweetness had her gagging, but then she got a bigger mouthful. Once the flavor exploded into her mouth she took deep gulps. “That’s it, Tessa.” Lucian’s moan had her drinking deeper. The more she drank the more she remembered the taste. Lucian had given this to her every time they’d made love.
    “Argh, were blood. Fuck, that shit tastes worse than I ever remembered.” Lucian’s words barely registered.
    Tessa couldn’t stop. Lucian tasted so good, better than any chocolate or beverage. Her body was on fire and if she was willing to let go and stop drinking she’d beg him to fuck her.
    She rubbed herself against him and felt his cock through his pants. She moaned against his neck and pulled on the sweet-tasting juice.
    All of a sudden Xore’s presence from behind her was gone and Lucian walked to the bench, her legs still wrapped around him. She felt the shirt he gave her rip. His hands left her body and she heard more ripping. Tessa moved her feet down, his now naked body against her own. 
    “Fuck, kitten, that feels so good.”  His fingers entered her pussy and he groaned, “You’re soaking.”
     He lined his cock up and she gipped him tighter, taking a deep pull of his blood as he pushed his way home. The blood was giving her a high she couldn’t stop from flowing through her. Lucian’s cock pumped in and out of her. She basked in his onslaught, her body begging her for more as the heat in her rose higher and higher.
    Lucian unhooked her mouth from him and she groaned at the loss of the sweetest drink. He tilted her chin and took her mouth to his own, ravishing her the same way his cock was doing to her pussy. Tessa hung on to him as her body got ready to explode. Letting her mouth go, he arched her back and leaned down to suck on her breasts. She felt his teeth sink in and she screamed in ecstasy as her orgasm shattered through her. The punchers left little rivulets of blood sliding down. Lucian licked them and closed the holes.
    His dick pounded into her, still not finished and demanding more from her. She didn’t know if she could give it. Tessa already felt like she was in a state of euphoria. His teeth scraped up and down her neck and shot shards of pleasure straight to her core. Tessa didn’t think she could come again. She was wrong—he slammed into her and drove down, biting her neck. She came apart and Tessa swore she was on cloud nine. Her body went lax, fighting for breath. Lucian moved within her one more time before he roared his own release.
    “Damn, I needed that. I’ve missed you, Tessa. Promise me you won’t leave again. I’ll talk to you and tell you anything you want. Just promise me you won’t run. Please, kitten.”
    His plea got to her and she felt like she lived in Heaven. “I promised, no more running. But we are going to have a talk about you taking over.”
    He sighed. “I’m sorry. You needed to drink and I knew you would do it no other way.”
    Tessa couldn’t even reply she was love drunk. Her body felt light as a cloud floating in Heaven. Tessa had no idea how Lucian moved, but he gently picked her up, cradling her in his arms and walking in the direction of the stairs and their room.
    “Xore put some food in our room for you.”
    Huh, she hadn’t heard Xore say anything when he left, but she hadn’t been focused on him.
    “I have a feeling after how much you drank from me you won’t be needing it, though.” Lucian kissed her forehead and then her lips. “As much as I hate the shit, I was lucky I drank shifter blood because you needed to drink. Shifter blood may taste like crap, but it makes you stronger and fills me up quicker.” When he laid her on the bed she could barely keep her eyes open. “You’re blood and sex drunk.”
    “Mmm.” In the back of Tessa’s mind she knew she was going to be pissed at what Lucian had made her do, but right now she didn’t care as he got into bed and gathered her to him.
    “I’m never letting

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