The Truth

Free The Truth by Erin McCauley

Book: The Truth by Erin McCauley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin McCauley
her mind, Emily stood to leave, and wrapping her arms around Lexie’s shoulders, whispered into her ear. “There is nothing in this world more necessary than love. Even knowing the outcome and the pain, I wouldn’t trade one day with my Nathan. Don’t cheat yourself out of the happiness waiting for you.”
    Emily’s words stuck with her long after the pair left the coffee shop, and eight hours later, Lexie stood outside of Grayson’s apartment wringing her hands. She lifted her hand to knock and lowered it again. What was she going to say? She tried to play the conversation out in her mind, but each time she looked foolish, indecisive, and well, like a coward. She turned her back to the door and took a step to leave. She shook her head, took a deep breath and turning around, finally knocked on the door. This time, she refused to be a coward.
    Instead of the anticipated look of surprise, Grayson looked as if he were expecting her. He smiled and opened the door for her to enter, stepping back out of her way. Her breath caught when she looked up at him. The bump on his forehead was gone and he wore a pair of baggy sweat pants with his chest bare of a shirt or any bandages. She could still make out a few purple areas but they didn’t take away from the heated reaction she was currently having as she yearned to run her hands down his chest.
    Color crept up her cheeks when she looked into his eyes and saw the flicker of knowledge in their depth. “I don’t know why I’m here.” Her tone conveyed her frustration.
    He didn’t say anything. He simply walked into the kitchen and poured her a glass of wine. Handing it to her, he sat quietly on the couch, waiting for her to continue.
    She paced back and forth, sipping from her glass. The silence weighed heavily in the room as she tried to understand why she’d come. Letting out a sigh, she placed her glass on the coffee table and turned to leave. “I shouldn’t have come.” Her chest felt tight, her breathing rapid as she gripped the doorknob.
    “I’m glad you did. I’ve missed you.” Grayson said, still seated on the couch.
    She turned around. Tears gleamed in her eyes as she looked at him, sitting, waiting.
    “I can’t do this. I want to, but I don’t think I can.” Lexie’s voice cracked and the tears began to roll down her cheeks.
    Grayson rose from the couch and walked to her, taking her hands in his. “We have to do this. I love you, Lexie, and I don’t want to lose you because you’re afraid of the ‘what if’s.’”
    He loved her. Her heart swelled as his words sank in. Was she going to lose him because he wore a badge? Was he right and she was a coward? The tears streaming down her cheeks became a flood; her future stood in front her and she only had to reach out for it.
    “I didn’t think my telling you I loved you would result in tears.”
    Wiping her eyes, she reached her arms around his neck and kissed him. She pulled back, looking into his face. “I’m sorry I’m crying. I love you too, Grayson. I’m just so damn scared of feeling this way.”
    He caressed her face. “I’m scared too. But I’m willing if you are.” Bending down, he rested his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry about what happened to you. I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m not Kyle. Please remember that.”
    She jerked back. “How — ?”
    “It doesn’t matter how. I wish I would have heard it from you, but I’m trying to understand why you may have been hesitant to tell me.”
    She felt weak, like a balloon deflating. She flopped on the couch and bent her head down. “It always seemed so silly when I said it out loud. You are a police officer, something you should be incredibly proud of. How do I tell you that because of Kyle, and your badge, I feel the need to run?”
    “Just like that.” He sat down beside her and lifted her chin. “You don’t have to keep anything from me. Even if you think the words sound silly. I don’t think they sound that way

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