The Love Killers
ladies’ room. She went, because half the initial battle was remaining friendly with the aging movie star.
    â€˜I think you’re right, darling,’ April observed, studying herself in the mirror. ‘Look at my dress—all dry and not a stain in sight.’ She produced a lethal tube of scarlet lipstick from her purse and jammed it on, going above and below her natural lip line as a series of studio makeup artists had taught her to do.
    They stood side by side, observing themselves in the full-length mirror. April could easily have been Lara’s mother, but she didn’t realize this. As far as she was concerned, her reflection was just as smooth and youthful as that of the girl beside her.
    â€˜Isn’t Sammy a darling boy?’ she commented. ‘Such fun. I do hope you realize how lucky you are.’
    â€˜Lucky?’ Lara questioned, brushing her hair.
    â€˜Well, of course, darling. Sammy’s
much in demand, and I can see he’s absolutely crazy about you.’
    Lara smiled slightly, sensing what was coming next.
    â€˜Real men are few and far between in this town.’ April hiccupped elegantly, ‘
should know, I married four of them.’ More lipstick. ‘Now take Nick, for instance. He’s good-looking enough, but what does he have to offer, darling? There’s more to it than just being a good fuck. Confidentially, I need a little more from a man, you know what I mean?’
    Lara nodded. ‘Yes, I know what you mean.’ She knew exactly what April meant—stick with Sammy and keep your hands off my Nick. He’s taken.
    Leaning forward, April examined her teeth closely in the mirror, removing any telltale lipstick stains. ‘I adore your blouse, darling, you must tell me where you bought it. Of course, Nick’s not a man for boobs, he’s a leg man.’ April hoisted her skirt, exposing still-perfect legs. ‘Although I doubt very much if he’d allow me to wear a top like that. He’s really very prudish. It’s the Italian side of him, you know.’ She stepped back, liked what she saw, and added, ‘Ah, well, back to the champagne.’
    Lara lingered in the ladies’ room. April didn’t have to tell
about Italians; the only time they were prudish was if you were their wife.
    She wondered if Nick wanted to marry April. The woman was still good-looking for her age, and of course there was the fame thing. April Crawford was a name that had once been right up there with Lana Turner, Ava Gardner, and the other famous Crawford. That had to be the attraction.
    Lara sighed. She knew quite a bit about Nick, but there was still plenty to find out.
    By the time she returned to their table April was dancing with Sammy, while Nick sat alone.
    â€˜Hi.’ Sliding into her seat, she shrugged off her jacket, allowing him the full view.
    He looked. He couldn’t help himself.
    â€˜It’s hot, isn’t it?’ she said, although there was no reason to make an excuse.
    They locked stares, holding the look for several beats too long.
    â€˜Would you like to dance?’ he asked.
    They got up, and he took her by the arm, steering her to the small, tightly packed dance floor. The Stones were at full shout.
    Facing each other, they went through the ritualistic moves. He was a good dancer, tight, controlled, and at ease. The sounds were too loud for talk. Across the floor Sammy Albert and April Crawford made fools of themselves. Suddenly the music changed, and Isaac Hayes was singing ‘Never Can Say Good-bye.’ It was slow, throbbing, and sensual.
    Nick stared at her again, his brown eyes intent and moody. He pulled her slowly toward him, his nails digging into her flesh under the black chiffon.
    Lara shivered slightly; this man was dangerously good-looking. When she was close to him she felt the proof of his attraction, and for one short moment the music, the

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