
Free Scandals by Sasha Campbell

Book: Scandals by Sasha Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Campbell
explained with a sexy little grin.
    Sighing, I took a seat at the breakfast bar. Friday after he’d showed up at my house with my nephew, I ranted and raved and made Trey take Kyle back home with him after I promised that he could come back on Sunday so we could discuss it. Damn, time flies.
    â€œWhere you keep the mugs?”
    I pointed to the cherry cabinet near the stove, and while his back was turned, I leaned back on the stool and took a moment to check him out. I ain’t gonna lie, Trey was like a well-seasoned pork chop, ready to be sucked. He wasn’t just fine, he was succulent. He was rocking a cream shirt and tie and a pair of black slacks that hung low on the hips of a sensational athletic body. He was a little older than me, probably thirty, which was a good thing because I preferred my men older, not that I was planning to date him or anything, but if I were, he would definitely be my type. He carried two mugs to the breakfast bar, then lowered onto the stool on the end.
    â€œSo what’s up? You give what we talked about any thought?” His gorgeous hazel eyes were locked on mine, waiting for an answer.
    It was hard to focus with him looking so serious. “I haven’t had a chance. It’s not easy to think when I got a G-string flossing my ass.”
    He chuckled. “And when you planning to do that? I told you I was coming back today to talk.”
    â€œI was busy.” I rose, grabbed the sugar dish and a carton of milk and carried them over, then returned to my seat. “I’ve got more important things to be worried about.”
    â€œMore important than family?” He clearly didn’t understand. “Have you even checked on your sister?”
    I paused because for a second there he was about to make me say something I might regret. “Why would I do that? Look, Trey ... me and Deena ain’t close. I’m serious. We haven’t talked in years.”
    He nodded. “I understand. But someone has to take care of Kyle.”
    As far as I was concerned, that person was him. I mean, come on. He had a lot of nerve. Who did he think he was, showing up at my doorstep to drop off some kid I knew nothing about? I’d promised to give keeping the little crumb snatcher some thought. Well ... I thought about it a full two minutes, and the answer was still no. “Listen ... I’m not used to being around kids. I work four nights a week and I don’t have anybody to watch him.”
    â€œOkay ... how about I watch him for you on the nights that you work?” Trey was being sincere, and that’s what made refusing even more difficult. What would Robin Sharice Douglas look like with a kid hanging around? Somebody might make a mistake and assume he was mine. I brought the mug to my lips and took a generous sip. Damn, I didn’t think my coffee ever tasted that good before. If that muthafucka could make love as good as he made coffee, someone was gonna be one lucky chick.
    â€œTell me ... why you care what happens to him?” I asked when he looked up from his mug at me. “What’s a grown man doing hanging out with a four-year-old anyway?”
    â€œI volunteer for the Big Brother/Big Sister program,” he said, then shrugged. “I want to make a difference in some kid’s life.”
    Something about the way he said that sounded so damn sexy, it made my coochie clench. “So whatcha do when you’re not hanging out at the playground?”
    â€œI see you got jokes.” He laughed and I took a moment to take in his pretty dimpled smile. “I manage a soul food restaurant on Jefferson Davis Highway.”
    â€œNo shit.”
    He nodded. “Yeah, Mama Lee’s. It’s been in our family for years.” He took a sip and I watched him staring at me, checking out my face and hair. Like I had said before, he wouldn’t be able to resist all this sexiness. “So what’s up? We gotta figure out

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