Tempting Bounty (Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunter Series Book 2)

Free Tempting Bounty (Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunter Series Book 2) by KD Jones

Book: Tempting Bounty (Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunter Series Book 2) by KD Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: KD Jones
sun was setting behind her and it made the golden strands of her long hair glow. She looked like an angel.
    She shrugged her shoulders in an attempt to act like it didn’t bother her. He wasn’t fooled. She was faking her bravado. “It’s not the first time people have assumed that Jay and I were lovers. His sister’s lawyers wanted to fight the will but his daughter was my friend and backed me up.”
    “I’m glad it worked out for you. You seemed to have a good life here.”
    “It’s a living.”
    “Your club is doing well.”
    “It’s not what I had hoped it would be. When I took over, I had no idea how hard it would be to transform a previous strip joint to a regular nightclub.”
    “I am surprised you changed it at all.” Crap. He had probably just offended her again. Instead of getting angry, she gave him a sad smile.
    “I know it would have been easier to keep it a strip club. I’ve had plenty of experience in enough of those to know how to run them. That’s not what I want. I want a business I can grow and be proud of and pass on to my children one day. I think with this club I have done all I can. The returning clientele expect certain services and even the current employees prefer the quick cash they get for doing those services.”
    Lexi walked further into the water until she was about waist deep. Then she ducked underneath the waves. She came back up, her hair slicked down her back. She looked like a gorgeous siren beckoning sailors to their death.
    “That feels so good. You should come in for a dip. The water is cooler and will help lower your body temperature.”
    Vic wasn’t wearing a suit, but he didn’t care about that. When she called to him, there was no way he would refuse. He removed his shirt, kicked off his boots and removed his jeans. He was at least wearing boxers. He looked up and felt a thrill that she was watching him intently. He puffed his chest out a little bit to showcase his pecs and eight-pack abs.
    “Damn,” Lexi commented without realizing she had spoken out loud.
    Vic chuckled as he moved into the water closer to her. “See something you like?”
    Holy smokes! Vic was well built. Not even her bouncers had muscles like that. His clothes really hid the extent of his sculpted goodness. He was golden all over, no hair on his chest. His hair on his head seemed a little more spiked than usual, but she suspected that his horns were starting to make an appearance.
    He was aroused by her, she knew it. His eyes had followed her while they were on the boat and when he came out from the other side of the boulder and saw her in her bikini, he had licked his lips and adjusted his crotch. It was an obvious sign of his growing desire. She just wasn’t prepared for her own growing attraction.
    “Um…” She decided to avoid answering by diving into the water and swimming away from him. She should have known that would be a mistake. When you run from a predator, they always hunt you down. When she came up for air she didn’t see him anywhere. Then she felt a yank on her foot dragging her back down under the water. She kicked at Vic to get him to release her. She came back up out of the water, sputtering.
    “Jerk!” She splashed water at him.
    He laughed. “I am most days. What do you do when you’re not at the club?”
    That caught her off guard. She froze for a moment to think. “I like to read.”
    “Really? What kinds of books do you like to read?”
    “Mysteries, mostly. I really get into solving things.” Where was he going with this?
    “I would have pegged you for a romance novel fan.”
    She snorted. “I’ve never read one of those before. I have already read mystery novels. Do you read?”
    “Yes, I like the mystery and horror books. I confess, I did read a romance book once by accident.”
    She laughed. “How did you read a romance novel by accident?”
    “My cousins fiancé left her romance novel on top of my mystery book. I picked it up without

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