Passion (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance)

Free Passion (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance) by Danielle Lewis Page A

Book: Passion (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance) by Danielle Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Lewis
Tags: Romance - Erotica
a step toward him. “You and I both know that those idiots only hired you because they are too afraid to let a woman head a department.”
    “Or maybe you just weren’t good enough,” suggested Lee a bit of heat coming into his voice as he stepped toward her. “Somewhere along the way, you are going to have to accept the fact that maybe the whole world isn’t sexist. Maybe I am actually just the better candidate.”
    “Not a chance!” Cara didn’t give Lee any more time to argue. Instead she reached out, grabbed his infuriatingly handsome face and pulled it towards hers. God it felt good to kiss him again. He reacted immediately, wrapping his arms around her body and pressing her against him. She could feel his hard muscles pressing against her soft curves through the layers of clothing between them. Too many layers. Something needed to be done about that.
    As Lee thrust his tongue into her mouth, she quickly reached down and unzipped his pants. He retaliated by picking her up and pushing her onto her desk. One kiss and she could already feel heat coursing through her, rushing down to make her damp. She heard a few of her pictures and her little jar of pencils fall to the floor. It would be a pain in the ass to pick it all up later, but for right now, she didn’t give a damn.
    He pushed her skirt up as she buried her fingers in his sandy blonde hair. When she first saw him, she had thought it looked better short, but now she was finding that she liked that Lee had two or three inches she could pull on.
    His hand slipped between them and pushed aside her thong. Neither of them felt like wasting the time it would take to actually get undressed. Quickly without any sort of foreplay, he shoved his rock-hard dick into her pussy. She gasped as she felt him stretching her, filling her. With that one swift stroke, he penetrated her completely. She wrapped her legs around him, pushing him deeper.
    Once he was entirely inside of her, Lee paused.
    “Miss me?” he asked, looking her straight in the eye. She was not at all surprised to see a familiar mischievous gleam there, nor the small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.
    “Fuck you,” she replied, smiling back at him. He slid almost completely out of her body and then rammed back into her.
    “What’s that?” he asked. The grin was definitely there now.
    “Fuck you,” she repeated breathlessly. Sex with Lee was always like this – fast and hard. She clung to him, panting as he fucked her mercilessly. She could feel his pace increase and knew he was getting closer.
    Lee reached a hand between them and began toying with her clit as he continued slamming in and out of her body. He had already pushed her near the edge, but that extra touch was enough to make her climax.
    “God damn it, Lee!” she cried as she felt the world shatter around her. She loved this feeling. It was like she was completely relaxed and yet completely awake all at the same time. As she let the waves of her orgasm wash over her, she felt him find his release deep within her.

Chapter 2
    “Why are you here, anyway?” Cara asked, straightening her clothes. “I thought you had decided to stay in the West Coast.
    “I got bored,” he shrugged as he buckled his belt.
    “And you just happened to end up with my company, in my department, doing the job I should I have gotten?”
    “Wow, full of it much?” he laughed.
    “Admit it – it would be a hell of a coincidence,” she said, refusing to be dissuaded. She began picking up the pictures that had fallen to the floor from her desk. Lee bent to help, collecting the fallen pens and replacing them in their holder.
    “Not really,” he said. “We have similar skillsets, and the industry is not that large. We were bound to bump into each other again sooner or later.”
    “I didn’t think so,” she said frankly. “When you left for California, I didn’t think I would ever see

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