Passion (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance)

Free Passion (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance) by Danielle Lewis

Book: Passion (Lost Love Series) (Erotic Romance) by Danielle Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Lewis
Tags: Romance - Erotica
Chapter 1
    “That job was supposed to be mine, Saul!” Cara was fuming. “I’ve been working my ass off for months! No one knows the project better than I do!”
    “I understand that, Cara,” Saul sighed. He was older man, just a few years away from his retirement. “Your work is valued, but management decided to go a different route. They wanted someone with - ”
    “A dick?” interrupted Cara. “That’s what this is about, right? This company has always been a boys club, and management is too scared to hire a woman.”
    “New blood,” continued Saul, ignoring her interruption. “Management thinks things around here are getting a bit stale.”
    “Bull shit,” snapped Cara. “The projects coming from my team have been more innovate and successful than anything else in the department – hell they’re the best in the company!”
    “Look, Cara, just meet the guy, all right?” said Saul, exasperated. “You might learn something from him.”
    “I don’t need to meet the guy!” she yelled. “I know exactly who he will be. Some rich white boy who has had everything handed to him for his entire life. He’ll be arrogant, entitled, selfish, useless, unintelligent -”
    “You forgot mind-blowingly attractive,” interjected a voice from behind her. She whirled around to face the speaker and suddenly found herself speechless. He was tall. His hair was the same sandy blonde, but his skin was tanner than the last time she saw him. If they were on another coast, and he lost the his perfect Armani suit, he could be mistaken for a surfer.
    “Lee!” Saul happily reached out a hand to shake the newcomer’s. “So glad you could join us. I was just telling Cara about how excited we are that you have joined the team.”
    “I could hear,” Lee told him as he shook Saul’s hand. “In fact, I am fairly certain the entire building could hear how excited Cara is.”
    “Of course,” Cara laughed mirthlessly. Her voice had finally returned. “Of course they hired you.”
    “You two know each other?” asked Saul. Luckily he was looking at Lee, so he didn’t see how Cara rolled her eyes. Stupid questions tended to annoy her.
    “We went to school together,” Lee explained. “Cara was always one step behind me in every class.”
    “Well you got that half right – which is about as much as anyone should expect,” Cara countered. “I was always top of the class. You were always behind.”
    “Oh, you know what, you’re right. I got mixed up. In college you were always ahead. It’s in the real world that you are always a step behind.” He raised his eyebrows at her in a smug challenge. She wanted to punch him in the face.
    “You are so full of -”
    “Well, I can see having both of you in the office isn’t going to be boring!” commented Saul with a broad smile. Damn him – the son of a bitch actually seemed pleased. “I am sure now that you are working together you two will make a great team!”
    “My thoughts exactly,” agreed Lee. Cara wanted to smack that stupid smug little grin right off his face. This job was supposed to be hers!
    “Well I am going to head out,” Saul yawned. “It’s been a long day. Cara, may I walk you to your car?” He offered her his arm, but she shook her head. Cara had absolutely no intention of leaving.
    “I am going to stick around here for a bit. I want to put the finishing touches on the Apollo project,” she informed him.
    “I’ll stay too,” Lee declared, just as Cara had expected. “I want to get settled in, so I am ready to start on Monday.”
    “Suit yourselves. Have a good weekend.” Saul let the door swing shut behind him.
    “I cannot believe you stole my job!” Cara snapped turning on Lee. He refused to be rattled.
    “If you were really the best person for it, I am sure they would have hired you,” he said with a shrug.
    “That’s complete shit and you know it!” Angrily, she took

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