For Toron's Pride

Free For Toron's Pride by Tressie Lockwood

Book: For Toron's Pride by Tressie Lockwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tressie Lockwood
why Toron turned out the way he did. His mother was apparently a slut. “It’s nice to meet you, Vivian. I’m Sienna.”
    She held out a hand, but Vivian waved it away. “Pish, you don’t fool me, girlie. I’ve been around for a long time, and I can sense how disgusted you are with me. Not unlike my son, but why shouldn’t I do what I want? I’m a widow, and if I want to have a string of affairs—some at the same time— who cares? And he’s one to protest with all his women.”
    Sienna tensed. She schooled her face to appear disinterested but felt Vivian’s gaze on her.
    “You’re different though.”
    “Excuse me?” Sienna hadn’t considered herself a prude until that moment. She bristled at the woman’s tone.
    Vivian chuckled. “I don’t mean it like that. I mean you’re different to Toron.”
    Sienna held up her hands. “Oh, please don’t get the wrong idea. Toron and I made a mistake a long time ago, and well …”
    “So you consider Simeon a mistake?”
    “Come on. We’ll sit here.”
    Vivian all but dragged her to a bench, and Sienna dropped onto it feeling worn out despite it being just after ten in the morning. The older woman faced her, a pleasant expression on her face, which didn’t fool Sienna in the least. Something told her this woman got off on being as blunt as possible just to see people’s reaction.
    “I hurt Toron years ago. Beyond repair, I sometimes think, but when I heard about you, I began to believe that would change.”
    Those words were not what Sienna expected. “I don’t think I understand.”
    She reached out and squeezed Sienna’s hand. Sienna shifted on the bench, wanting to pull away but not wanting to offend Toron’s mother.
    “I am an alpha,” she said. “My husband wasn’t.”
    Sienna’s brows went up. “I didn’t know that was
    “It’s rare, but it happens. I took on the power, but I let his father lead the people. I preferred the other benefits.”
    “Other benefits?”
    Her pursed lips and narrowed eyes said she didn’t doubt Sienna knew exactly what she meant.
    “Men are attracted to me, and I encourage it.”
    “You’re saying…”
    “Yes, I had many lovers before Toron’s father died. I was addicted to it and wanted to see how many more I could get. After a while, I wondered if it was just the power and not me, so I learned to hone it, to suppress it. They still came.”
    “I have to get back to the shop.” Sienna made to stand, but Vivian held onto her hand like a vise. Unless she wanted to make a scene, she had to wait the woman out, but Sienna was already turned off. Did Vivian think her story did anything other than solidify all her fears about Toron?
    “Hear me out…please.” The pain in Vivian’s tone surprised her. “I abused my power, but it wasn’t intended that way. The leader has appeal only to draw his people close, to nurture them, to protect them, and heal when necessary. In return, they also give him strength when he needs it. The power isn’t a sexual draw. I perverted it, and it broke my Marrin.”
    “Toron’s father. He didn’t die of natural causes. He committed suicide.”
    Again with the bluntness. Sienna’s mouth went dry. “I’m so sorry.”
    The older woman nodded, eyes vacant as if she was remembering. “He loved me more than life because I was his mate. I loved him too, but I was young and stupid. Marrin was much older than me. The alpha blood came through my line, not his, and I had no brothers. No one at the time challenged my family for leadership, and so I came into the power. I know now it shouldn’t have been. If only… Well, I can’t live in regret.”
    Sienna guessed she did regret what she’d done, driving her husband to end his life because she cheated and kept cheating. The entire story made her want to run and never come back, just as she did five years ago.
    “I had to wait until Toron was old enough to lead after his father’s death,

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