The Cinderella Bride

Free The Cinderella Bride by Barbara Wallace

Book: The Cinderella Bride by Barbara Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Wallace
did, her stomach fluttered, and the sensation disturbed her. Especially after the thoughts she’d had earlier.
    Curse her mother for putting those thoughts in her head.
    There was a matching chair across from the sofa. Emma tucked herself in the corner and propped herbriefcase on her lap like a shield. “Which would you like first, the correspondence or the figures.”
    â€œThe fig— Damn, the Dow took another late-day tumble.”
    â€œA big one?”
    â€œBig enough for me to appreciate being a privately held company. Wonder how Kent Hotels did.”
    â€œI should think, being mostly privately held, the company did well enough. Unless someone impulsively decided to sell…” All the pieces suddenly slid into place.
    â€œThat’s why you’re in New York, isn’t it? Your grandmother is afraid Mr. Chamberlain will sell his stock, isn’t she?”
    â€œRoss has taken some big hits. Not to mention last year’s very expensive divorce. Buzz on the streets says he’s looking to shore up his liquid assets.”
    â€œAnd Mrs. Kent thinks he’ll sell his Kent Hotel stock to do so.”
    Emma paused, recalling what little she knew of the Kent-Chamberlain friendship. From the tone of Mrs. Kent’s correspondence, the families had been friends for years. “Surely he wouldn’t just sell, not without letting your grandmother know.”
    â€œNever underestimate the power of a greedy ex-wife breathing down a man’s neck. Did you hear how worried Mariah was by a man called Gerard Ambiteau?”
    Of course she had. “Your grandmother makes me run news searches on the name every week.”
    â€œGlad to see the Internet’s making Mariah’s obsession easier. Ambiteau, or more specifically, GerardAmbiteau, is Mariah’s archenemy. Ever since he tried to buy Kent Hotels following Edward’s death. He made the mistake of implying the hotel business was too much for a young widow with three children to handle.”
    â€œOuch. Bet that went over well.”
    The smile Gideon flashed made Emma’s toes curl.
    â€œAbout as well as a hydrogen bomb. Needless to say, Mariah took the offer as a personal affront. I swear she expanded the Kent empire as much to spite Gerard Ambiteau as anything.”
    â€œThe ultimate revenge. Your grandmother’s a formidable woman.”
    â€œMariah’s a survivor, that’s for sure. Then again, married to Edward Kent, she’d have to be, right?”
    Emma had heard the stories; Edward Kent’s womanizing and debauchery were almost as legendary as his business acumen. “Surely it wasn’t all bad,” she said. “They did have three children.”
    â€œAh yes, children, the ultimate indicator of true love.” The bitterness in Gideon’s voice made her shudder.
    â€œSorry,” he quickly added. “I should learn to keep my cynical views to myself.”
    â€œThat’s all right. I understand what you’re saying.”
    â€œYou do?”
    Was that surprise in his voice? “I was raised by a single mom, remember?” Emma of all people knew children weren’t a guarantee of marital bliss.
    Heck, few things were. She certainly knew of far more failures than successes. “Makes you wonder sometimes why people ever bother getting married in the first place.”
    It was the succinct, definitive answer of a man whose mind was made up. Emma didn’t know why, but her insides twisted at his decisiveness. Maybe it was the sudden change in atmosphere that followed. Gideon’s cynical comments had caused him to fold into himself, taking the warmth from the room.
    It was as if he were a human thermostat, Emma realized. When he was “present” the room pulsed. But as soon as he withdrew, the air grew cold, the coziness sucked away. It made her want to burrow next to him on the sofa and prod him

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