Earth Bound

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Book: Earth Bound by Avril Sabine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avril Sabine
    “Go.” He pointed towards the door.
    About to argue, Brianne changed her mind when she saw the tremble in his hand. “This match isn’t over.” She stared at him a moment more before she spoke again. “Tomorrow morning.” When he nodded, she strode to the door and left, closing it softly behind her. She stood there, trying to decide what to do and was still standing there when Talon locked the door. She heard a tortured groan and reached for the door.
    Her hand curled into a fist, but dropped to her side before it met the door. He didn’t want her in there. His ego probably couldn’t cope with someone seeing him weak. Turning towards her own room, she shook her head at his stupidity. It all made so much sense now. No wonder he was often cranky and left abruptly. But it didn’t help her mission any. Her people wouldn’t care that the General’s son had been injured in battle. She still had to find out something useful and she had no clue how to go about it. What had made them think she could complete this mission? She hoped it wasn’t just her lack of wings because so far that hadn’t done her much good.
    At least she should be able to explore unhindered if Talon was going to hole up in his room. She thought of the room she’d tried to search several times now. Maybe this time she’d get lucky and see what was stored inside.

Chapter Sixteen
    Talon paced the floor as he waited for Lacey to arrive for their second practice session. He’d been an idiot yesterday. He should have stopped sooner. It wasn’t necessary that he win. After a moment he smiled wryly. Of course it was necessary, but he couldn’t last that long without his wings wanting to escape their confines. He’d have to call a halt before he got to that stage today. It wasn’t losing, what had Lacey called it? Temporary truce. He could live with that. Maybe.
    But it had been so long since he’d had someone to train with. Even though he’d quit the army, he hadn’t been able to convince himself to stop training. There was nothing like pitting your skills against an opponent and trying to win. But as much as he enjoyed training with her, he couldn’t keep ignoring the fact that he kept finding her in areas she shouldn’t be. If only he could find proof either way. He didn’t want to tell his father when it was only a suspicion. His father would accept that as guilt without looking further.
    A knock brought him to a sudden stop and he headed back to the door, swinging it open, his sword in a scabbard at his side. He tried not to return the smile Lacey wore when he looked down at her, but it was impossible. He wanted to drag her inside and demand they start straight away.
    “Good morning.”
    Talon stepped aside and gestured her in. “What took you so long to get here? Did you have to build up your courage to face my superior skills?”
    With a laugh, Lacey stepped inside. “You better be well today because I want you to know it was my superior skills that caused you to be disarmed. No blaming it on old injuries.”
    About to answer, his attention was caught by his father striding along the corridor towards his room. At a signal from his father, he waited, Lacey coming closer to stand at his shoulder. Uncomfortable with her at his back, he stepped further into the corridor, standing at an angle so he could see both his father and Lacey.
    Barrett opened his mouth, snapping it closed as his eyes fell on Lacey in the doorway. “Have you regained your memory yet?”
    She shook her head. “No, sir. Only a couple of vague memories that don’t help at all.”
    His eyes were drawn to the sword at her side and he nodded towards it. “Where did you get that?”
    Lacey continued to meet Barrett’s gaze. “It’s not mine, sir. I borrowed it so I can continue to train. As soon as the doctors declare me fit for duty I plan to be back on patrol, sir.”
    “Who does it belong to?” Barrett demanded.
    When Lacey remained

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