Earth Bound

Free Earth Bound by Avril Sabine

Book: Earth Bound by Avril Sabine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avril Sabine
wouldn’t want to wear you out in the first quarter hour.”
    “Are you sure? I’d have thought you’d want to get this over and done with and return to your masterpiece you keep telling me about.” She grinned, wanting this training session to last for hours. This was her, not the spy skulking around corners looking for obscure information.
    “There’s plenty of time. Are you worried you’ll tire easily?”
    “I could have disarmed you a dozen times already, but I was worried I’d damage your ego.”
    Talon laughed. “You’re dreaming. I could deal with you in my sleep.”
    “Keep telling yourself that.” Brianne attacked, thinking that this was the person Garnet had told her about. She’d never seen him so alive. In the name of the Lord and Lady why had he ever quit the army? He was like her, born to be a fighter. A pity he was on the wrong side.
    “I don’t need to tell myself anything. My actions speak for me.”
    She laughed, joy filling the sound as she renewed her efforts. He was good, matching her blow for blow. The sound of metal rang out in the room, early morning light spilling in through the single window. If she’d had wings he wouldn’t have stood a chance, as it was, she didn’t know who’d win. But even without wings, she could almost fly. Leaping to the side, she spun around and came up on the other side of him, attacking. His blade barely came around in time to block. Then he was attacking her.
    There was no time for laughter as she fought back, gliding out of the way, spinning, weaving, even using some of the acrobatic moves she’d learned in preparation for growing wings. He couldn’t touch her. But she couldn’t touch him either. Time trickled away, the daylight shifting across the floor. Then he nearly had her and she ducked and came up on the other side of him. He turned to try and meet her blade, but he was too slow and she caught him across the chest, blood instantly staining his shirt.
    Jumping backwards, she lowered her sword. “I’m sorry. I thought you’d block that attack. Maybe we should have used armour.”
    He made a flicking motion with his free hand. “Barely a scratch. You’re not giving in are you?”
    “If you want to be shredded one scratch at a time I don’t mind.”
    He gestured for her to come at him.
    Adrenaline still coursing through her, she willingly obeyed, feeling more alive than she had in ages. Their breathing was heavy, their movements fast. Time was measured in the clang of metal. And then Talon stumbled and Brianne barely managed to pull back in time to avoid cutting him again. She reached for him.
    He pulled away from her. “Keep going.”
    She didn’t let him retreat. Her hand brushed against his cheek. “You’ve got a fever.”
    “I’m fine.” He pushed her hand away.
    “Have you seen a doctor?”
    “Don’t blame me if you’re too exhausted to go on.”
    “I drew blood, you didn’t. Don’t try and tell me I’ve lost.”
    “It was the first to disarm, nothing was said about first blood.”
    “Damn it, I can do this. Don’t treat me like I’m sick.”
    She stepped back from the anger in his voice. “We’ll call it a temporary draw. We can continue tomorrow morning.” She took a wary step towards him. “Let me check your scratch.”
    He grabbed her hand before it could reach him. “It’s fine.”
    Sheathing her sword in the scabbard she’d hung at her side she nodded. “You better not use it as an excuse tomorrow.” She met his gaze, seeing pain in his eyes. Before he had a chance to react, she reached out with the hand that was still free and tugged at the neck of his shirt. He let her go, pulling away, but not before she saw the bandage wrapped around his chest. “You’re injured.”
    “It’s nothing.”
    Guilt hit her. “You fought me while you were already injured. Are you crazy? Is that why you quit the army? How bad is it? I didn’t make it worse, did I?”

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