Diva (Jit'Suku Chronicles)

Free Diva (Jit'Suku Chronicles) by Bianca D'Arc

Book: Diva (Jit'Suku Chronicles) by Bianca D'Arc Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bianca D'Arc
Tags: space opera romance
new alliances and reunification. John, I’ve heard about the Andrakian reunification movement. I think the government—or at least the ambassador—is involved.”
    John started. This was bad news. Very bad news. If it was true.
    There were rumors about a group of important Andrakians who believed they descended from the jit’suku. They believed Andrakia and all its colonies were merely intergalactic settlements by pioneering jits.
    And they wanted to rejoin their brethren. Or more accurately, they wanted the jits to come join them in the Milky Way. But jits weren’t welcome in the Milky Way, and the human government that owned eighty-five percent of the galaxy wouldn’t allow jit’suku incursion anywhere within the spiral arms of the home galaxy.
    It sounded like the Andrakians were preparing for war. War with humanity over jit’suku incursion.
    John’s worst nightmare.
    “There was something else.” Maggie’s hesitant words recaptured his attention. She stood and retrieved something small from a table on the other side of the room. John couldn’t help but admire the sway of her hips as she walked back toward him. Distracted, he almost didn’t notice the micro data disc she held out to him. “I found this waiting for me back aboard my ship. It was from someone named Dalen, and it was addressed to you.”
    John was floored at Maggie’s mention of the super-secret spy who had helped him and his men before. If Dalen knew enough to get a message to him through Diva, then the spy was even better than John had credited.
    “Did you access it?” He tried to keep his tone gentle as he took the small disc from her hand.
    She shook her head, blushing a bit. “I wanted to, but it wouldn’t open for me.”
    John pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “I’m glad you didn’t see whatever’s on this disc, Maggie. Dalen runs in circles it’s best you stay clear of. In fact, it’s in your best interest to forget that name, and the existence of this disc. He took a risk using you to get to me, and I don’t like it. I don’t want you caught in the middle of this mess, whatever it is.”
    “I’ve had time to think about it, John, and it must have something to do with what I saw on the Andrakian station. I questioned my crew and checked the records. That disc had to have been placed physically on board my ship—in my quarters—by hand. That means this Dalen, or someone close to him, was on board the station.”
    John set her back and held her shoulders, catching and holding her gaze to impress upon her the seriousness of his words.
    “You’re probably right, but honey, you’ve got to forget you ever saw this disc or ever heard the name Dalen. Promise me.”
    “But I could help—”
    He squeezed her shoulders. “Promise me. It’s too dangerous, and I couldn’t bear thinking about you being in danger. Please, Maggie. Do this for me.”
    She gave in with grace, though he could tell she wanted to argue.
    “All right, John. For you.”
    His lips captured hers in a sweet salute that quickly turned to passion.
    But he put her away all too soon, as she’d thought he would. Their time together was at an end. She could see it in his eyes.
    “Honey, I know I said I had a week’s worth of R&R, but this…” He held up the disc with a troubled expression.
    She covered his hand with hers. “I know. I thought this might happen, which is why I selfishly didn’t tell you right away, but I couldn’t, in good conscience, wait any longer. I’m sorry, John. For both of us. But I understand your duty. I understand why you have to go.”
    He crushed her to him for a long, emotional hug that said more than words could express. When he let her go, they both seemed to have a little extra sparkle of tears in their eyes.
    “You mean the universe to me, Maggie,” he said in that low, rumbly voice that she loved.
    “Right back at’cha, Captain.” She tried with fierce determination to hold herself together. She

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