I Can't Believe He Shaved Me! (Kari's Lessons)

Free I Can't Believe He Shaved Me! (Kari's Lessons) by Cassandra Zara, Lucinda Lane

Book: I Can't Believe He Shaved Me! (Kari's Lessons) by Cassandra Zara, Lucinda Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra Zara, Lucinda Lane
I Can’t Believe He Shaved Me!
    Kari’s Lessons #2
    A Kari’s Lessons Erotic Short by Cassandra Zara &
Lucinda Lane
    Kindle Edition
    Copyright 2013 Cassandra Zara & Lucinda Lane
    Please note : All titles in the Kari’s Lessons series feature explicit sexual acts between fictional characters who are
consenting adults aged eighteen years of age or older. These titles are
intended for a mature adult audience.
    - X -
    “We should totally make out.”
    It wasn’t the first time Jenny had suggested this. She
always said that we should do it to put on a show for the boys and that it
would really turn them on, but I got the impression that for the most part it
was just because she wanted to make out with me.
    “Sure.” I was feeling rebellious and restless. Since Max had
spanked me (and seriously, I still can’t believe he actually did that) things
had been a little strange. For a start the spanking had actually worked. I’d
been good to my word and tried not to be as much of a brat. But things were
weird between us.
    Or maybe it was just me. Max didn’t even acknowledge
anything had happened and just took it all in his stride. That was part of the
problem. Whenever I saw him I was reminded of the mind blowing orgasm he’d
given me while I lay over his knees, my ass still red and burning from my
spanking. I was also reminded of just how hard his cock had been as it pressed
against my stomach.
    Max had gone from being the most annoying person on the
planet to being the only thing I could think about. And the fact that he didn’t
seem to be interested in me at all made him even more annoying.
    So I was feeling rebellious. I was feeling restless. I’d had
a lot to drink. And when Jenny suggested that we should totally make out to put
on a show for the boys I said yes.
    I was already wearing a fairly scandalous swimsuit. When I
had brought it home Max had taken one look at it and insisted I return it
immediately. But I had ignored him and kept it hidden in my room. Now that he
and Mom were out of town and I’d been invited to a little pool party at my best
friend Jenny’s house, it seemed like the perfect time to try it out.
    When I first stepped out of the house in the swimsuit I was
pretty nervous. It’s one thing for it to look glamorous and sexy in the store,
but when you’re actually wearing it out in public in front of other people?
That’s when you realize just how small it actually is and how much of your body
you are putting on display.
    A thin triangle of shimmering gold material struggled to
cover my crotch. It tapered to almost nothing behind me and I could feel it
riding up my ass when I walked. It was cut really high on the hips, showing off
a lot of way-too-pale skin, as well as having a dramatically plunging neckline
that did its best with my modest cleavage.
    When I’d stepped out on the deck you could almost hear the
jaws dropping. Despite being a bit of a troublemaker I didn’t usually wear
anything this revealing and something like this was way out of character for
me. Jenny in particular couldn’t take her eyes off me.
    A couple of the boys laughed nervously and I poked my tongue
out at them. I may be a little shy at times, but I know I’m hot. Not like
supermodel hot, but good enough for these guys.
    And then, to put on a show for them, Jenny and I kissed.
    It was not what I had expected. I had kissed a couple of
boys before and it usually felt like I was under attack. This was different.
Her lips were so soft as they parted and instead of an attack it felt like an
invitation. An invitation to kiss her back. I did, and we explored each other.
Slowly at first, like we were unfamiliar with the terrain, and then with more
gusto. I became lost in the kiss, the raucous comments of those around us
fading to a dull background noise.
    When she broke from me I drew a sharp gasping breath and
took half a step backwards. She looked at me with a big I-told-you-so grin. I

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