A Grim Mistake

Free A Grim Mistake by Marc J. Riley

Book: A Grim Mistake by Marc J. Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marc J. Riley
    Copyright © 2012 Marc J. Riley
    Copyright © 2012 Cover Design by Marc J. Riley
    This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental.
    The material in the eBook contains sexually explicit content and is intended for a mature audience only. All persons portrayed in this eBook are 18 years of age or older.
    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this Kindle book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without the expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author.
    This Kindle book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
    Emilie Saucier left her office at five o’clock on a Friday after a grueling week and an even more grueling day at the law firm where she hoped to become a partner; one day. Right now she was just a twenty-six year old fresh out of law school with the ink still wet on her bar exam and a need to blow off some steam.
    Her friends, Stephanie and Kaori, said to meet them at the pier in Santa Monica. She just had time to make it back to her shoebox apartment in the Hollywood Hills, grab a quick shower, throw on some jeans, sandals and light peasant blouse in an off peach color that went well with her tanned complexion and strawberry curls.
    Kissing her cat, Fandango, a quick goodbye, who tolerantly put-up with her misplaced affection in exchange for his kibble, she dashed out the door an hour later and hopped into her black Saab 9000 turbo and, kicking it into gear, dashed through traffic down Wilshire Boulevard ignoring the transgendered and multi-gendered freaks out doing some early panhandling on the streets of Hollywood.
    Emilie had come to LA after graduating from Stanford Law summa cum laude just six months ago. Landing a spot with one of the most prestigious entertainment law firms in the city had been a big feather in her cap; and despite having to move downstate, she loved every minute of it. That is, she would, if she ever got to do any actual law work. Mostly she’d just been reviewing contracts, researching copyright and intellectual property regulations for the Senior Associates and, of all things, getting coffee for that arrogant bastard Denny Brice who was a partner even if he was only thirty-two. Son-of-a-bitch!
    “Never again.”
    She recalled the look on his sculpted face as that tall, trim gorgeous bastard had strolled through the office as if he owned the damn place. Well, okay, maybe in a way he did own the place. But, what the hell, he shouldn’t have even been down on that floor. All the partners had offices on sixteen with floor-to-ceiling glass walls overlooking the city.
    He’d just been slumming with the Associates and interns.
    “Stay away from that one. He’s trouble.” Kevin Poulson an Associate who been there two years already warned her.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Unh-huh. I saw that look on your face,” he continued, “Denny Brice is a shark. Everything he sees he devours. And that includes fresh-faced law school graduates from farm country. Just you stay away unless you want to be another notch on his holster.”
    “Ppfftt!” I wittily replied. “I’ve got absolutely no interest in Mr. Denny “grande mocha no whip with two pumps, please sweetie” Brice.” I rejoined turning to go the copier room down the hall.
    “Besides,” I couldn’t resist teasing, “I wouldn’t want to poach on your turf, Kevin.”
    Kevin’s hands flew to his hips as he shot me a moue of indignation. Kevin is gay. I don’t just mean he likes men, I mean he is

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