Forty Acres: A Thriller

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Book: Forty Acres: A Thriller by Dwayne Alexander Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dwayne Alexander Smith
driveway. The Handyman recognized the car. It belonged to Martin’s partner, Glen Grossman. The Handyman had already done a level-one investigation on Grossman for the same client. Level one was just a basic background check with one day of surveillance. The Handyman’s investigation of Martin began as a level one as well, until the client opted to upgrade the probe to the Handyman’s most invasive tier of service, level three.
    As the Handyman watched Grossman climb out of the SUV his mind raced. What the hell was Grossman doing here? Didn’t Grossman know that Martin wasn’t home? Then the Handyman saw something that answered his question. As the lawyer started across the lawn, he pocketed his car keys and pulled out another set of keys. Keys to Martin’s house. What else could they be? No, this wasn’t a casual visit where Grossman would be turned away by an unanswered doorbell. For whatever reason, Glen Grossman was about to let himself into Martin Grey’s house.

    T he key ring that Martin had given Glen two years earlier held just three keys. The first two keys Glen tried on the rear door of Martin’s house did not turn the lock. The last key did the trick. Glen pulled open the door and stepped into Martin and Anna’s spacious kitchen. Soft moonlight through curtained windows glistened off chrome, marble, and tiles. Glen locked the door behind him, then reached for the security keypad to punch in the code—and froze. What Glen saw made no sense. The small LED screen on the keypad read Disarmed. Martin and Anna must have forgotten to set the alarm before they left. But that wasn’t like Martin. Not even close. Glen’s partner was a cross-all-his-Ts kinda guy. Glen couldn’t imagine Martin forgetting something as important as securing his home. The excitement of the concert must have really gotten to him.
    Glen headed into the living room. Just enough light bled through the windows for Glen to find his way around the furniture. Even in the dark, the place looked great, Glen thought. He remembered when Anna and Martin had first moved in. Martin got a great deal because the house needed a lot of work. And boy, did it ever. It took them a while, but Martin and Anna had done a fantastic job of transforming a neglected house into a beautiful home.
    Glen moved past the stairs and headed down the short hall that led to Martin’s study. The door was closed. Glen hoped it wasn’t locked. He had no reason to believe it would be, but since he had no idea where to find the key, he couldn’t help the worry. He had to get those docket numbers.
    Glen smiled when the doorknob to the study turned with ease. But when Glen pushed open the door and switched on the light, he saw something that made his heart stop.

    H idden inside Martin’s walk-in closet, the Handyman watched through the cracked-open door as Grossman entered the study and switched on the light. Even before Grossman entered the study, the Handyman had surmised that there could be only one logical reason for the lawyer’s unexpected visit. Grossman was there to pick up something. Something important related to their work that could not wait. Of course, suspecting this as he did, the last place the Handyman wanted to be was inside Martin’s home office, Grossman’s likeliest destination, but he had no choice. By the time the Handyman had returned the desktop computer to normal and cleared Martin’s desk, he could already hear Grossman moving through the house. The only place that the Handyman could readily conceal himself was Martin’s records room. He just hoped, for Grossman’s sake, that the lawyer would find whatever the hell he came for and leave promptly. Unfortunately, the shocked look on Grossman’s face was not a good sign. Why was Grossman staring at Martin’s desk like that?
    The Handyman watched puzzled as Grossman rushed over to the desk and searched it frantically. He rifled every drawer, not once but twice. Grossman

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