Love In A Nick Of Time

Free Love In A Nick Of Time by Stephanie Jean Smith

Book: Love In A Nick Of Time by Stephanie Jean Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith
in a relationship if they’re in love. He didn’t know if he loved her, but he damn sure couldn’t live without her.

Chapter 7
    The drive back to the office would take maybe 20 minutes. Samantha thought she should probably stop and get something to eat. Her meeting with a new client went extremely well; business was booming and her personal life was riding high. Allen was coming into Omaha this evening and she’d been floating on a cloud all day. Her house was clean, her refrigerator was full, and she was horny as hell. Allen was wrong their last night together wasn’t enough to tie her over. Matter of fact she’d been horny since her first night back in Omaha.
    Samantha had a few drinks with Jenna and Connie last night. She updated her toy chest with purchases especially with Allen in mind. Although she didn’t drink much she had a slight headache from their get together. She talked about Allen all night and Jenna and Connie humored her. She knew she was wearing her heart on her sleeve but she couldn’t help it. Allen was staying with her until the first of the year and she was looking forward to spending the holidays with him. Usually she shuffled along wishing the holidays would pass by faster.
    It was almost three weeks since she left Seattle, but she heard from Allen at least once a day through e-mail, texts, or phone calls. Last night they had phone sex, listening to him talk dirty kept her wet. She masturbated while Allen told her all the things he was going to do her when he got into Omaha. He said she’d be lucky if they made it back to her house. Samantha was excited about the prospect of making love to Allen in the Airport parking lot.
    The only downside is that Brian still thought they were getting back together. He wouldn’t leave her alone. When he wasn’t calling her he was sending flowers and other presents. She was going to speak to Mike about obtaining a protection order. Brian was not going to ruin her budding relationship with Allen.
    Everything in her world looked a little brighter. Samantha stopped at a red light and thought about the closest place to get her salad. She looked into her rearview mirror, a truck was coming up behind her and it wasn’t stopping. She braced herself because there was nothing she could do besides get hit. The truck hit her SUV sending her into oncoming traffic to get t-boned by a minivan. Samantha was blacking out, something wet was running down her face and she was in so much pain.
    Allen was anticipating his reunion with Samantha; talking on the phone last night was almost his undoing. He didn’t like jacking off and listening to his woman come while he’s in another state. None of that mattered now; he spent the last couple of weeks clearing his calendar because he was going to claim his woman.
    He was deliberately keeping Samantha in the dark about his intentions. Based on the things she and Kevin told him, she really didn’t believe in love and marriage. That was exactly where their relationship is headed as soon as he convinced Samantha that she couldn’t live without him. He was packed and ready to go; he had one more meeting with his project managers before he left for Omaha.
    The meeting went off without a hitch, Allen was happy with the progress his staff was making in development. His company is in good hands and now he can focus on his woman. Allen is determined that his relationship with Samantha is going to work. If that meant he would have to relocate to Omaha, then so be it.
    He couldn’t see Samantha moving to Seattle, as long as he had his laptop, he could work from anywhere. Allen would leave his main office in Seattle; his people were the top engineers in the field and he didn’t want to displace them. He was laying the groundwork for his future with Samantha and the 60-80 hour workweeks had to go.
    Allen dismissed his managers and was engaged in after meeting chatter with

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