Fatherless: A Novel

Free Fatherless: A Novel by James Dobson, Kurt Bruner

Book: Fatherless: A Novel by James Dobson, Kurt Bruner Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Dobson, Kurt Bruner
Angie’s intensity surprised Kevin. He had used the same
     words with her six years earlier when they decided to start a family. She seemed excited about genetic screening as described
     by her obstetrician. Common sense and practice said, “Do it.” Kevin’s upbringing said, “Don’t.” One argument and two sleepless
     nights later she relented, which had resulted in now-five-year-old Tommy, whom Angie wouldn’t trade for any genetically optimized
     kid on the planet.
    The doctor’s expression fell short of condemnation, landing on pity. “I meant no offense.” She returned to Angie’s question.
     “No, it can’t be cured.”
    The words hit hard.
    “But you said it had become extremely rare…” Kevin’s own realization cut his comment short. None survive the screening process .
    Caressing Leah’s tiny fingers, Angie breathed deeply. In that moment, all her anxiety seemed to dissipate into clear, motherly
     resolve. “Tell us what we need to know.”
    “The effects vary a great deal from person to person,” Dr. Chapman explained. “I’ve only seen two cases myself, both in adults.
     Your daughter may display irregular physical characteristics.”
    Both Kevin and Angie looked in Leah’s direction. Neither knew what to notice. They turned back to the doctor.
    “Most likely peculiar facial features that may become more pronounced as she ages, including an elongated face and slightly
     enlarged ears.”
    The doctor glanced down at the cheat sheet on her digital pad. “Is she crawling yet?”
    “Some,” Angie replied hopefully.
    “Well, she probably won’t walk as early as normal kids. And there will most certainly be mental impairment. We’ll want to
     measure Leah’s cognitive abilities when she’s older, but most fragile X children possess about half the average IQ.”
    Angie and Kevin looked at each other.
    “Will she be able to attend school?” Kevin wondered aloud, willing himself to remain strong for Angie’s sake.
    “Possibly, although you’ll be hard-pressed to find a competent program since the disorder has become so rare. Public schools
     cut special education funding back in the early twenties.”
    “Marriage and family?” Angie asked.
    “Unlikely. But I see nothing to prevent your daughter from enjoying a vibrant sex life.”
    Both Kevin and Angie winced at the suggestion.
    The doctor continued, but neither heard the rest of her summary. Kevin and Angie would take time to understand the details
     of Leah’s disability in days to come. For now, they tried to absorb one simple reality: Our daughter will never have a normal life .
    Neither would they.

Chapter Ten
    Julia reached frantically toward the silhouette of a hand as it withdrew from her extending fingers. Despite a vivid brightness that seared
     the vision of her sleeping eyes, she noticed only shadows. A dark, masculine form appeared stretched and diluted. Its comforting
     presence ebbed away while something mysterious pulled her downward toward a brutal, merciless place.
    She inhaled violently like a child desperate to break free from an outbound ocean current, then screamed at the shadow drifting
     from view.
    “Where are you going? How can you leave me like this? Help me!”
    She heard a voice.
    “It’s OK, sweetie. Wake up. You’re all right.”
    Julia’s eyes opened to the welcome sight of Maria. Overpowering her confused anxiety, she quickly grasped what had happened.
     Maria had heard the screams from the next room, startling her into action. Julia’s relief met embarrassment. She reluctantly
     accepted her sister’s nurturing embrace.
    Moments later, Julia sat propped against her pillow, hugging both legs tightly against her chest. She habitually retrieved
     the pen and pad she had used in the past.
    She added a single word.

Chapter Eleven
    “I can’t keep taking you to the doctor, Mom!” Matthew Adams barked after reviewing the $1,152 bill for three visits to

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