His Firefly Cowgirl

Free His Firefly Cowgirl by Beth Williamson

Book: His Firefly Cowgirl by Beth Williamson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Williamson
    Sophie blinked. “Do you plan to rebuild the restaurant?”
    He nodded. “Of course. The Blackwoods have been running that business for a hundred and fifty years. Why would we let another fire ruin it?”
    “Another fire?” She had to wait for an answer because the waitress stopped to take their orders and brought them glasses of ice water. Sophie sipped at her water and waited for Dax to reply but he didn’t. Impatience won out. “Was there another fire?”
    “Huh? Oh yeah, back after the Civil War when the Blackwoods settled in Tanger, it burned to the ground. The story goes, they built it as an investment and it turned out to be such a lucrative business, they kept at it.”
    “Will you still call it Cindy’s? Do you know who that was?” Sophie hadn’t ever asked about the restaurant before. When they were growing up, Dax’s mother ran the place and it was a hangout, not a history lesson.
    “We have to keep it as Cindy’s. It’s what everyone knows it as, even the truckers who drive through town. Our biscuits, cobbler and sweet tea are legendary, not to mention the other delicious dishes. Hannah has really kept the quality up, and the profits too.” He took a drink of his water. “From what I was told, Cindy was the daughter of the original owner. She died or something like that and he named the restaurant in her honor.”
    Sophie liked that story. It was something good from what was probably a tragedy. The Blackwoods had a knack for building something from nothing. Through good times and hard times, they kept at it. Perseverance was in their blood.
    Then why hadn’t he come after her in Houston?
    That question would haunt her for the rest of her life and there was no answer forthcoming. She wouldn’t ask again. The rest of the meal passed in silence as they both dug into the food with gusto. They ate until their plates were empty and bellies were full.
    “I think I’m in a food coma.” Dax patted his still-flat belly. “Damn, I was hungry.”
    She found herself smiling. “Me too.”
    When the waitress returned, Sophie requested two checks. Dax didn’t protest, for which she was grateful. She needed some level of independence and autonomy. No matter how she felt about him, Sophie was still there in a professional capacity. That had blurred a bit yesterday out by the pump at the ranch, and in her bed, but it was still nonetheless the situation.
    After they paid, they got to their feet. Dax swung the keys to the truck in his hand. “Ready to get home?”
    She started, her heart hammering into high gear. “Pardon?”
    “Home? You can use my mom’s car to drive to Houston. When Myron fixes yours we’ll get it out to you and drive back my mom’s.” He spoke casually, as if he hadn’t just told her it was time to leave for good. “She doesn’t drive much anymore, not since Dad passed away.”
    Sophie’s lunch sat like a lead weight in her belly, the taste of regret strong in her mouth. She needed to tell him how she felt or she might not ever get the chance. By the time they pulled through the ranch gates, she had worked herself into a fine snit. Chastising and goading herself into revealing her thoughts.
    A white sedan sat in a carport by the guest house. That was to be her chariot of doom.
    “I’ll go grab the keys from Mom. Be right back.” He jogged off and left her alone.
    Her eyes stung as she walked to the car, her bag and clothes in hand. This was it then. The end of the line of the wild adventure in Tanger. She had to go home, to return to her life and to control.
    Didn’t she?
    Dax’s mother was sleeping so he jotted a note on the counter and took the keys as quietly as he could. She’d been feeling poorly of late and he was worried about her. In the years since Dad had passed, she’d become melancholy and frail. Dax needed to get her back out there and living life. Maybe he could get Hannah interested in helping Mama and in turn, get herself out of her

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