The Wolf's Mate Book 7: Lindy & The Wulfen

Free The Wolf's Mate Book 7: Lindy & The Wulfen by R. E. Butler

Book: The Wolf's Mate Book 7: Lindy & The Wulfen by R. E. Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. E. Butler
are wulfen .”
    Faith shivered.  “Why did he take her?  What’s going to happen to Lindy?”
    Jenna’s wings slid back into her body, and her eyes dulled slightly.  She moved to Logan, and he pulled her into his arms.
    She said, “A wulfen is a highly skilled, powerful warrior for my people.  I don’t believe that he took her to hurt her.  There’s no reason for a fae to randomly come here and happen to stumble upon a wolf in distress. I think that he spelled for his truemate and found her.”
    Everyone went quiet.
    Bo said, “You were really far away from Logan when you spelled for him, though.  Why wouldn’t the spell have brought you straight to him if that were the case?”
    “Well, first I didn’t travel through a portal on my own; I was kidnapped.  And second, I heard that when wulfen spell for their truemates that their power is so great that they are able to pinpoint where their mate is and go straight there.”
    Faith said, “He was huge.  I’ve never seen such a terrifying wolf in my life.”
    Jenna smiled softly.  “I’ve only seen pictures of them.  They’re very rare among my people, but I have no doubt that he was frightening.”  She looked up at Logan.  “Let’s go home.  The sun will be up soon, and I can portal-call my parents.”
    Turning her attention back to Faith, she said, “I’m going to ask my father to find out where this wulfen male is, and then Logan and I will go speak to him and find Lindy.  Rest easy.  She couldn’t possibly be in better hands than those of her truemate.”
    Tina helped Faith to her feet and hugged her.  “Come back to my house and have some coffee.  The sun will be up soon.”
    Jenna nodded.  “I’ll call you as soon as I know anything.”
    Linus picked up the broken trap, and Jason said, “Bring that back to my house.  Logan, take your mate home and then call me so you can be conferenced into the discussion.  We’ve got to find out who is planting these traps and stop them before someone else gets hurt.”
    Faith was numb from head to toe with worry over Lindy.  Jenna said not to worry, but until Faith could see for herself that Lindy was okay, she was just going to keep on worrying.  Lindy and McKenna were like sisters to her.
    Once back at Tina’s home, Faith called McKenna, who came straight over with Drake and sat with her in Jason’s parents’ home, waiting to hear from Jenna.
    It had been a very long, horrifying night, and it wasn’t over yet.

    Chapter 8
    Lindy .  His mate’s name was Lindy.
    After assuring the woman that he would take care of Lindy, he raced through the portal, sealing it behind him as he darted into his home.  He tugged a thick blanket from the back of the sofa and laid her on it.  Her wound was still bleeding.  He called the lights to come on in the room, and the lanterns and candles blazed to life.  Moving to the kitchen, he opened a temporary portal and called one of the military healers who lived nearby.
    A bleary-eyed Viscount stumbled into view.  “You bellowed, Crimson?”
    “I found my truemate, and she’s seriously injured.”
    Viscount’s eyes widened, and he snapped to attention.  “I’ll be right there.”
    The connection broke, and Crimson grabbed a pair of trousers from his bedroom and tugged them on, picking up a towel from the bathroom and going to Lindy.  He pressed the towel to the wound and settled his ear on her furry chest.  Her heart was beating slowly, and her breathing was shallow.  He didn’t know if a werewolf from the Mortal Realm could actually die from blood loss, or if her accelerated healing would stop the wound before that happened.  His heart clenched as worry settled over him.  He’d just found her.  He didn’t know what would happen to him if she died.
    The door burst open, and Viscount strode in, a leather satchel slung over his shoulder.  Crimson was surprised when Riyad and Merik followed close behind.

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