straddling my bike, her hands gripping the handlebars, and looking over her shoulder at me.
“Hey, remember when you and Mason taught me to ride?”
“Of course I do. How could I forget?”
“Yeah…it was pretty awesome. I haven’t had a chance to ride again since I was twelve. Maybe you can give me a quick refresher and let me ride your bike around?”
“Hell fucking no. You’re not riding my bike, sorry.”
She hopped off, crossed her arms, and began pouting like a schoolgirl.
“Fine, I’ll just get Mason to show me.”
“Oh, my god. Shut up. Alright, I’ll give you a refresher.”
“Sweet, thanks!” She jumped off the curb, got on behind me with her backpack, and I started the bike with a thunderous roar. Of course she wanted to ride, I thought to myself. It’s in her blood.
“Put your things away, and then meet me in the garage,” I told her, after I turned off the bike in the driveway of my house in East Dallas. On the drive over, I had contemplated if what I was about to do was a good idea, but I knew it would make Rebel insanely happy, and I figured if I could find a way to trust her, maybe she would prove to be trustworthy.
Besides, she needed a way to get around. And she was a grown woman now, despite the occasional pouting.
When she walked into the garage, he mouth dropped open when she saw me.
“No fucking way!” she squealed.
“Yep,” I said, smirking.
“I can’t believe it! You still have my bike! It looks amazing, Harley!” She threw her arms around me, kissing my cheek quickly, and then turning her attention to the bright red, shiny Harley 250 that my dad, Mason and I had restored for her years ago.
I couldn’t bear to part with it over the years, so I had kept it covered up in my garage, occasionally polishing it and starting it up, tinkering with it now and then.
“Yeah, well, nobody else wants a tiny Harley but you. So, here you go. Since you aren’t twelve anymore, you can have it. Sorry, I know you were supposed to get it for your sixteenth birthday, but I guess things didn’t exactly work out that way.”
I felt bad, the lost years flooding my memory, and I wished I had done so much more for Rebel. Hell, I wished I had done anything, but instead I had been a selfish asshole. She was my sister, after all.
“No, it’s okay, Harley, really. Thank you so much, I’m so excited I could pee my pants!” She danced around the bike, her eyes lit up with happiness, and I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her.
“You know, I don’t think I forgot much at all. I’ve ridden in my dreams for years…” her voice trailed off wistfully, as she jumped on the bike, her hands fondling every inch of the shiny, classic machine.
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Harley standing next to my old bike. Watching my dad and Mason and Harley restore that bike for me, painting it a bright cherry red at my request, was one of my fondest memories.
I did help, a little, but my dad was using that project to teach Mason and Harley how to restore and I was strictly forbidden to interfere once they were deep into it. I wasn’t supposed to learn how to ride it until I was sixteen, but Mason and Harley couldn’t stand the thought of waiting anymore than I could, and we had many opportunities to take it out of the garage when our old man wasn’t around.
Still, it took me weeks to convince them to teach me to ride. They both knew they would get a beating if they got caught putting me on a bike, as both my mom and dad were beyond adamant that I wait till I was sixteen. But the concept of waiting what seemed like a lifetime to three kids was torturous and impossible.
So, they gave in to my constant nagging, insisting I wear full leathers and a helmet every single time, and they went about patiently taught me to ride, each of them running along at my side as I puttered along, the bike lurching