Rogue (SEAL Team: Disavowed Book 1)

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Book: Rogue (SEAL Team: Disavowed Book 1) by Laura Marie Altom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Marie Altom
    “Why not?”
    “Because I’m supposed to do that to you.”
    “Then why don’t you?”
    “Here? In the bathroom.”
    “Why not? Chicken?” She smiled, knowing that like her, he never backed down from a challenge. “The whole place is brand new. Just think, we’ll be the first ones who ever do it in here.” She took two thick, white towels and stretched them across the floor before settling onto them. Between her legs felt wetter than the tub. She felt hot and dirty, but didn’t care. All she could think about was how she suddenly wanted his mouth everywhere.
    He tugged off his boxers, then leaned over her for another kiss, and that first brush of his bare body against hers was electric. Sure, they’d kissed lots of times in their bathing suits at the neighborhood pool, but this was different. She had goose bumps.
    “Hot. Very hot.” Maisey had read the line in one of Delia’s Cosmos .
    She pulled his head down to her chest, and he kissed the crowns of her boobs that were practically popping out of her bra. Her body sent signals she wasn’t sure how to read. Her downstairs hummed and she pressed her legs together, dying for friction. Delia bragged about how she touched herself all the time, but Maisey never had. The few times she’d tried, the cat jumped on her bed.
    The thought made her giggle.
    “What’s wrong?” Nash asked. “Doesn’t this feel good?”
    Maisey closed her eyes. “It feels great, babe.”
    He swept his kisses lower and lower until reaching the apex of her legs.
    Excitement bubbled in her throat and she wasn’t sure what to do with her hands. She rested them on her belly, but then Nash nudged her thighs apart and was pressing hot, wet open-mouthed kisses to her inner thighs. She felt the oddest, hungry yearning for more, and raised her hips up to meet his mouth. He ran the tip of his tongue along her panty line, and then moved the thin, silky fabric aside, to kiss her lower lips. It wasn’t enough—not nearly enough.
    She tried wriggling free of her panties, but they weren’t coming off.
    He helped and once they finally passed her ankles, Nash flung them under the sink. Maisey should have gone with the G-string like Delia said. Then, Nash could have ripped them off like guys did in movies.
    With him back between her legs, her body quivered with a strange need. She was so wet down there, and she was embarrassed he might see, but then he was pushing her legs apart and kissing her and licking her in places where no one had ever been, and she couldn’t breathe.
    The sensation of the tip of his tongue flicking against what could only be her clit was beyond belief good. Like behind her closed eyes, a kaleidoscope of color and light warred with the steadily rising pressure. He’d found her hole and pressed his tongue in deep, establishing a rhythm that made her wild.
    Maisey bucked with his each thrust. Moans left her throat in a husky voice she no longer recognized.
    Was this even real?
    She slid her fingers into his hair, pulling until she rode the crest of a wave only to fall and fall until he was catching her.
    “I-I have to get a condom,” he said on a ragged breath.
    “No. Don’t leave me. I’ll be fine.”
    He eased up the length of her body and she felt his thingee pressing against her thigh. When he kissed her, she tasted herself on his tongue which only made her hotter and wetter and more determined than ever to get him inside her now.
    She fumbled for him, helping him find her hole.
    “Sure?” he again asked.
    She again nodded.
    And then he was easing inside. She was so wet and ready, she didn’t think it would hurt, but it did. She cried out.
    “Want me to stop?” He drew back.
    “No. Please . . .” Please what, she didn’t know. Just that she needed him inside her, finishing what they’d begun.
    He plunged back in, and this time, she felt a subtle shift of her body welcoming him inside. She swelled for him and raked her fingertips up his

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