To Catch A Fallen Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 8)

Free To Catch A Fallen Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 8) by Barbara Devlin

Book: To Catch A Fallen Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 8) by Barbara Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Devlin
will never cooperate, because dissemblance is not in her nature. If we are to succeed, she must remain oblivious to our plan.”
    “I would have you acknowledge my dissent, in the event Lady Elaine discovers our scheme, as she will never forgive me.” When Raynesford dipped his chin, Ross extended his hand, with the marquess shook. “Then I will do it.”

to catch a fallen spy

    chapter five
    Mrs. Ross Logan . Sitting at her escritoire, Elaine studied the signature and opted for another variation, one a little less florid, of her future name. Then she scribbled a different version and set her pen on the blotter. Hugging herself, she giggled and glanced at the bouquet of roses that arrived that afternoon. The accompanying note, stark in its simplicity but overwhelming in its significance, brought her more joy than she ever could have imagined.
    My dear Lady Elaine,
    Please accept this humble offering, which pales in comparison with your beauty, from an unworthy admirer.
    Affectionately Yours,
    Sir Ross Logan
    Clutching the card to her bosom, she sighed, stood, and twirled in circles until she lost her balance and collapsed on the chaise , in a fit of laughter. “Oh, Ross. You are affectionately mine, now and forever.”
    For whatever reason, her man appeared to have come to his senses and, at last, accepted the inevitability of their intertwined fates, and not for a second would she question his new tune, when it so perfectly aligned with hers. Determined to throw caution to the wind, and declare for all to see that she belonged to Ross, she resolved to gift her beau three dances that night, at the Netherton Ball.
    “Elaine, am I interrupting something of importance?” Cara stood in the doorway of the sitting room. “Have you decided which dress to wear this evening, given we depart in an hour?”
    “I am still celebrating, but Mary did my hair in a new style.” With a squeal of delight, Elaine leaped at her closest confidante and then rotated for inspection. “How do I look? Is it not wonderful? Ross is mine. I keep pinching myself, just to ensure I am awake and not dreaming.”
    “The curls are charming, the news is thrilling, and I am so happy for you.” Cara clapped her hands. “Now let us garb you for the next engagement, as you want Ross to fall at your feet, and I know just what will suit our purpose.”
    “Indeed?” Elaine trailed Cara to the armoire. “I selected the peach, given the low-cut bodice.”
    “That is a wise tack, for a faltering swain, but the elegant blooms declare Ross anything but faltering. At first glance, I thought the blue a perfect choice, as it accents your eyes.” Yet Cara drew a cream, eau de Nil silk gown trimmed in old gold, from the collection. “But this is fit for a goddess, and the skirt will cling to your legs, in a dazzling display of your figure. If it does not render Sir Ross speechless, I shall eat my best bonnet.”
    The image of a tongue-tied Ross popped into Elaine’s mind, and again she yielded to mirth. “I would surrender my inheritance to see that.”
    “No need to go to such lengths, as all we require is the right attire.” Tapping her chin, Cara averted her stare. “And wear your gold necklace with the large pearl pendant, as it accentuates your décolletage.”
    “Cara, you are a genius.” With that, Elaine gave herself into her maid’s capable hands.
    After a round of intense prepping, a minor adjustment to her coiffure, whereupon Mary broke off a single rosebud and pinned it just above Elaine’s left ear, and a final check in the long mirror, she donned her jewelry and situated the heirloom as Cara advised. And then she exited her chambers, strolled down the hall, crossed the majestic gallery filled with paintings of her ancestors, and descended the grand staircase, where she discovered Lance and Cara lingering in the foyer.
    “Oh, Elaine, you look magnificent.” With a smile, Cara wiped a stray tear from her eye. “Your parents

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