Forever With The Wolf: An Erotic Shapeshifter Romance (Werewolf's Harem Series Book 5)

Free Forever With The Wolf: An Erotic Shapeshifter Romance (Werewolf's Harem Series Book 5) by Vivian Wood

Book: Forever With The Wolf: An Erotic Shapeshifter Romance (Werewolf's Harem Series Book 5) by Vivian Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivian Wood
off toward his home, he wondered how best to break the news to Cam. It wasn’t a conversation that either party would enjoy, that was certain.

    The sound of his phone buzzing somewhere on the hardwood floor of his apartment woke Cameron Beran from a doze. He opened his eyes and inhaled the familiar scent of unfamiliar females, sighing and pushing away the arms wrapped around his torso. He sat up, taking care not to disturb either of the cute brunettes that snuggled on each side of him. One snored softly, the other drooled a little.
    That was the reason he’d brought them into the guest bedroom. Well, that and the fact that when he had company over, he usually woke in the middle of the night and sought his own bed. He wasn’t callous enough to kick them to the curb after sex, but he sure as hell wasn’t missing out on a night of sleep either. Besides, the kind of girls that Cam brought home usually weren’t looking for breakfast in the morning. More often than not, they were already gone by the time he rose, sneaking out in their bare feet, heels in hand as they had the doorman hail a cab.
    The sound came again, so Cam scooted out from between the girls. He grabbed the discarded pile of his clothes and shoes and padded out of the room, closing the door behind him. The hallway led to the two bedrooms and guest bathroom, but Cam wasn’t ready to head to his own bed just yet. It was early, just about eleven. The two brunettes had been more than excited to go to bed with him, and upon their invitation, Cam hadn’t been crazy enough to linger at the bar.
    Dropping his bundle in front of his door, he fished his phone out of his pants pocket and went on to the living room. The loft-style apartment’s soaring ceilings and huge factory windows formed a perfect open floor plan, the exposed brick, gleaming stainless-steel kitchen, and spotless white furniture making the whole place look like something straight out of an IKEA catalog. It was a little impersonal, but easy to maintain. The place did have a great view, overlooking downtown Portland’s modest skyline.
    Cam wasn’t putting a whole lot of work into decorating or keeping up a place he didn’t even own. No, he was saving that for his dream house, the one he was itching to build out near the mountains. Someplace where he could run in his bear form, a place where his kids could grow up like he and his brothers had at the Lodge, unrestrained and unafraid of their Berserker sides.
    Of course, there was one missing piece to the puzzle. All the money and property and dreams of a perfect home and family didn’t mean squat if Cam couldn’t manage to settle down with one girl. And not just any girl, either… Just like his specifications for his dream home, Cam had a list a mile long when it came to picking a mate.
    His phone buzzed again in his hand. Cam looked down, surprised to see a series of texts from Luke.
    “Of all people,” Cam said.
    We’ve been called home to the Lodge this weekend , said the first.
    Mandatory , said the second.
    Be there by Friday night, or find another clan. So says Pa , said the last.
    WTF? Cam texted back.
    No idea. See you Friday , came Luke’s response.
    Cam groaned. He would get notified by the brother who barely spoke. For a moment Cam thought about calling Gavin, but then he nixed the idea. It was late in Billings, and Gavin might not even be in the loop on something this big. Though if anyone knew anything, it would be him. Gav spent the most time at the Lodge, helping ma out with her horses and generally keeping Pa from killing everyone he knew.
    Cameron couldn’t even pretend jealousy of his brother. Pa was an asshole, Ma sweet but smothering, and Billings was about as boring as it got. On top of that, Gavin actually worked for Social Services. He spent his whole day helping strangers, a concept foreign to Cam. As far as he was concerned, his brother was a masochist of the highest caliber.

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