Captive Paradise: A History of Hawaii

Free Captive Paradise: A History of Hawaii by James L. Haley

Book: Captive Paradise: A History of Hawaii by James L. Haley Read Free Book Online
Authors: James L. Haley
Samuel F. B.
    Murphy, Columba
    Mutsuhito, Emperor
    Na‘ea, Emma, see Emma, Queen
    Nahaolelua, Paul
    Naha Stone
    Nahi‘ena‘ena, Princess, birth, early life, death & wake
    Naihe, see Haiha Naihe
    Namahana, High Chiefess
    Naniwa , HIJMS
    Napela, Ionatana
    Napoleon Louis
    National Reform Party
    Nawahi, Emma Aima
    Nawahi, Joseph
    Neilson, Henry
    Neumann, Paul
    New Hebrides
    ni‘aupi‘o (rank)
    Ni‘ihau, Capt. Cook at, Emma visit
    Nootka Crisis
    Nootka (ship)
    Nordhoff, Charles
    North West America (ship)
    Nuhou (newspaper)
    Nu‘uanu Pali, 1795 battle, missionaries’ encounter
    Nu‘uanu Valley
    O‘ahu, Kahekili conquest, Kalanikupule and, Kamehameha conquest, Isaac Davis as governor, epidemics and, Marín estate, Boki as governor, Ka‘ahumanu tour of, sugar production on, coffee grown on, Kekuanaoa as governor, John O. Dominis as governor, Archibald Cleghorn as governor
    Oahu Amateur Theatre
    Oahu Charity School
    Obookiah, Henry, see Opukaha‘ia
    Okuma, Shigenobu
    Olowalu (massacre)
    Opukaha‘ia, early life, escape from Hawai‘i, presses for missionary effort, death, exhumed & repatriated
    Pa‘a‘aina, Princess Mary
    Pacific Commercial Advertiser (newspaper)
    Pai‘ea, see Kamehameha I
    Palmerston, Lord
    Papa‘ena‘ena heiau
    Papa ‘I‘i, John, vice principal of Royal School
    Parke, William C.
    Parthian (ship)
    Pauahi, Princess Bernice, breaks engagement to Lot Kapuaiwa, marries Charles Reed Bishop, at death of Kamehameha V, stripped of rank, at death of Ruth Ke‘elikolani, death
    Paukaa Sugar Plantation
    Paulet, Lord George
    Pauncefote, Sir Julian
    Pearl Harbor,
    Peirce, Henry
    Pendleton, Capt. Gilbert
    Pennock, Adm. A. M.
    Percival, Lieut. John
    Perrin, Louis-Emile
    Peterson, Arthur P.
    Pettigrew, Sen. Richard F.
    Philadelphia , USS
    Phillips, Stephen
    Picpus Fathers
    Pierce, Pres. Franklin
    Pinkham, Lucius
    Pioneer Mill
    Pitman, Benjamin
    Pitman, Henry Po‘olulu
    Pitman, Mary
    Polihale heiau
    Pololu Valley
    Polynesian (newspaper)
    Pomare, Queen
    Po‘omaikelani, Princess Virginia
    Portsmouth , USS
    Poursuivante (ship)
    Pratt, Franklin
    Prince Lee Boo (ship)
    Prince of Wales (ship)
    Princess Royal (ship)
    Punahou School
    pu‘u honua
    Pu‘ukohola Heiau
    Queen Charlotte (ship)
    Quélen, Abbé de
    Quinn, William F.
    Reform Party
    Resolution , HMS
    Reynolds, William
    Rice, William & Mary
    Richards, Rev. William, at Nahi‘ena‘ena’s wedding, house bombarded, Punahou School and, Richard Charlton and, resigns from ABCFM, mission to U.S., death
    Richardson, John
    Ricord, John
    Rives, Jean
    Rogers, Edmund
    Rooke, Dr. Thoms C. B.
    Roosevelt, Theodore
    Rosenberg, Abraham
    Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society
    Royal Hawaiian Band
    Royal School, founding of, John Papa ‘I‘i and, disciplinary problems, routine at, naming of, receptions at, closes, Victoria Kamamalu at, Lunalilo at, John William Pitt Kina‘u at
    Ruggles, Lucia
    Ruggles, Rev. Samuel and Nancy
    Rush , US Cutter
    Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral
    Samwell, David
    Sandalwood, Kamehameha I and, Kamehameha II ends royal monopoly, Boki and, ali‘i avidity for
    Sandwich Islands Mirror (newspaper)
    San Francisco
    San Francisco Morning Call (newspaper)
    Schäffer, Georg Anton
    Schofield, Gen. John M.
    Seamen’s Bethel
    Second Hawaiian Renaissance
    Severance, Luther
    Seward, William
    Short, Patrick
    Simpson, Alexander
    Simpson, Sir George
    Skerrett, Adm. John
    Slidell, Sen. John
    Smith, Marcia
    Smith, Walter G.
    Smith, William O.
    Society Islands
    Spreckels, Claus
    Spreckels, John
    Staley, Bishop Thomas Nettleship
    Stevens, John L.
    Stevenson, Robert Louis
    Stewart, Charles S., on Hawaiian ethnicity, shock at infanticide, on ali‘i abuse of commoners,
    Stirling, Adm. Yates
    Stolz, Bert
    Stolz, Louis
    Sugar Cane, arrival with first settlers, origins
    Sugar Industry, early production on O‘ahu, early production on Kaua‘i, scrip payments, early

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