Anything for Food - A Post-Apocalyptic Erotic Tale

Free Anything for Food - A Post-Apocalyptic Erotic Tale by Amy Morrel

Book: Anything for Food - A Post-Apocalyptic Erotic Tale by Amy Morrel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Morrel
fetus in the
    She understood immediately that Jake had lost more than just a
girlfriend in the crash. She'd bet her life that he'd also lost an
unborn child. The ring on the table suggested that Shelly was more
than just a girlfriend. She realized that his behavior was far more
in keeping with her suspicions than it would have been if Shelly was
only his girlfriend. Once again she felt a rush of worry about what
he might be doing.
    Andi made sure to touch nothing in the room. She left and closed
the door behind her. With the door left open and the lights on, she
suspected that Jake intended for her to see what was in there. What
she didn't know was why.
    Is it an unconscious cry for help? Is it him trying to show me
just what I've ruined for him? Was it just an accident because he was
so distraught? It's so confusing to not know. I don't even know him
well enough to make an educated guess.
    Andi went back upstairs. It was nearly
an hour since she'd heard the front door. She didn't know the area
very well yet, just the spots Jake had shown her, so she couldn't
even guess where he might be. She'd looked in all the spots he'd
shown her so far.
    Okay, she thought, the last
thing Jake told me to do before the sexual fiasco was to read his
books. I'll go back to that and hope that he returns soon. If
he does, and he sees me reading the books, maybe he'll know that I'm
still willing to abide by our bargain.
    Andi grabbed a large glass of water and
the book she was currently reading. She went out to the bench, sat
down, and started to read. She tried to concentrate on the chapter
she was starting, 'The Importance of Community', but had a hard time
focusing on the words. She made slow progress until the third page. A
quote caught her attention that could well explain what Jake was
    'The importance of having a good
relationship with your community in general, and specifically your
nearest neighbors, cannot be overstated. In times of crisis, they are
the ones that are most likely to be present or available to aid and
assist you. In return you should let them know that if they need aid
or assistance you are willing to provide it if possible.
Self-sufficiency is a misnomer. You will need the support of anyone
else in the local area to be self-sufficient. From selling excess
food products or hand made goods, to getting assistance with
livestock, your neighbors are important. You may even find that they
are the best people to discuss any problems with should they arise
with other people in your homestead.'
    The last line was the key for her. If
he truly believed what he had written then perhaps there was a
neighbor who he was visiting with. Maybe it was just the time of the
week he normally exchanged eggs for milk. Maybe...
    She knew she was grasping at straws but
she was out of ideas. She returned to her reading, able to
concentrate on it better now that she'd decided he might not be doing
something stupid.
    She finished the chapter and was
mid-way through the next one when she heard someone coming up the
driveway. They were whistling cheerfully, which wasn't something
she'd heard Jake do. She slid inside the house and shut the door. A
carefully drawn back curtain allowed her to watch the last fifty feet
of the driveway.
    Jake came walking up the driveway, a
jauntiness to his step that she hadn't seen there before. He was
alone so he must be the person who was whistling. Andi stepped over
to the door and opened it. When Jake saw her his face froze over for
a moment before thawing.
    She looked at him as he stared at her.
His eyes were in the present now and he was seeing Andi. The moment
stretched out before she gave in and broke eye contact, gazing at the
floor underfoot.
    This is it. He's going to tell me to leave, she
    They spoke simultaneously:
    “I'm sorry...”
    “Thank you...”
    They each stopped and Andi's gaze moved
to his face again.
    “Go ahead, I didn't mean to speak
over you.” Jake said.

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