One Special Christmas & Home for the Holidays

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Book: One Special Christmas & Home for the Holidays by Irene Hannon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Irene Hannon
turned and gazed out into the night with a troubled frown, oblivious to the passing scenery. Even her mild reaction—or maybe attraction was a better word, she admitted honestly—to Eric tonight made her feel guilty; as if she were somehow betraying the love she and Jack had shared. It was not a good feeling. And the best way to keep it from happening again was to stay away from the disturbing man beside her.
    It was as simple as that.

Chapter Four
    O kay, maybe it wasn’t quite that simple, Kate conceded the next Sunday as she waited for Eric to pick Sarah up for church. Their paths were going to cross every Sunday at this rate unless she decided to take Sarah to services herself. And that wasn’t likely to happen anytime in the near future. So she’d just have to get used to seeing him once a week and maintain a polite distance.
    Except that would be easier said than done, she acknowledged with a sigh. There was just something about him that drew her. Maybe it was his eyes, she mused. They were wonderful eyes. Understanding. Warm. Caring. Compelling. She’d never seen eyes quite so intensely blue before—nor so insightful. When he gazed at her she felt he could almost see into her soul.
    Strangely enough, that didn’t bother her, even though she’d always been a very private person. Maybe because—stranger still—she felt as if they weren’t just recent acquaintances, but old friends. Which made no sense. For all practical purposes, they’d met less than two weeks ago. Nevertheless, the feeling of familiaritypersisted. It was disconcerting—yet somehow oddly comforting.
    The doorbell rang, and Sarah dashed to answer it. Kate followed more slowly, grateful that Eric’s attention was distracted by his young greeter long enough for her to take a quick inventory—and then struggle to regain control of a breathing pattern that suddenly went haywire as she stared at him.
    Kate had always known that Eric was a handsome man. He had classic Nordic good looks, and in a different age might have stood at the helm of a questing ship. Yet his gentle manner and kindheartedness were at odds with those Viking images of old. It seemed he had inherited the best of both worlds—ancient athletic virility and modern male sensibilities. It was a stunning—and extremely appealing—combination. And never had it come across more clearly than today. In a light-gray summer suit that emphasized his lean, muscular frame, and a crisp white shirt and dark blue, patterned tie, he was by far the most attractive man Kate had seen in a long time. Or maybe he was just the first one she’d noticed in a long time, she acknowledged with a frown.
    He chose that moment to look up, and his smile of greeting faded when he saw her troubled expression. “Everything okay?”
    She forced the corners of her mouth to lift and closed the distance between them. “Fine.”
    â€œNot having second thoughts?”
    â€œNo, of course not.”
    He studied her for a moment with those discerning eyes, as if debating whether to pursue the subject. Much to her relief, he let it rest. “We usually go to breakfastafter services. Would you like us to swing by and pick you up? Make it a foursome?”
    â€œCan we, Mommy?” Sarah asked eagerly. “I could get pancakes. I like pancakes,” she told Eric.
    He grinned. “So do I.” He transferred his gaze back to Kate, and his expression softened. Or was it only her imagination? she wondered. “How about it, Kate?”
    â€œI appreciate the offer, Eric, but your mom told me that’s your special time together. We wouldn’t want to intrude.”
    â€œActually, it was her idea. But I had the same thought. She just brought it up first,” he said with an engaging grin.
    â€œOh. Well, maybe another time. I really hadn’t planned on going out at all today. I need to work on some lesson

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