Double the Trouble (Texas Trouble 3)

Free Double the Trouble (Texas Trouble 3) by Becky McGraw

Book: Double the Trouble (Texas Trouble 3) by Becky McGraw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becky McGraw
Titan's legs down, and h er stomach growled making her realize it must be getting around lunchtime.  Imelda had fixed them brea kfast really early this morning, then left to go take care of her own family.  Karlie knew she'd be back soon to fix lunch, and her food was always fantastic, so she couldn't wait.
    "Nice view," a rich deep voice said behind her, one she recognized all too well now .
    Karlie stood up, then turned toward Gabe with a big smile, and asked him, "Pigs or Chickens?"
    "Emu," he frowned and told her.  "Never again--next time it's all on Elmer."
    Karlie snorted then laughed, "Emu?  I didn't know there was a farm for them around here.  I hear those things make people a lot of money, but I couldn't see raising t hem ."   The exotic long-legged birds looked like ostrich to her.  She couldn't tell the difference , and didn't see how they fit into cattle country .
    "Me either, I thought I was gonna have to either shoot him or call you to come rope him to get the damned thing back in the fence."
    Her eyes traveled over his broad chest to his narrow waist then rushed past the good stuff to his grass stained knees and mud covered shoes.  "That is mud right?" she asked her lips twitching.
    Gabe looked down at his feet and said, "Yes, thank god, otherwise these shoes would be in the garbage.  Th at farm stunk something awful."
    "Worse than pigs?"  Karlie didn't think there was anything worse smelling than a pig farm.
    "Well, a close second to that. ..too close for me," he told her then smiled and asked, "Want to go to the Blue Bird with me for lunch... sort of appropriate after my emu wrestling success.  I'd like for you to meet my sister, Sabrina , too ."
    " When she and Cole came to the rodeo in Dallas to watch Wade ride, I got to meet her, but I wouldn't mind seeing her again, if you want to take me to lunch... ."
    "So you know Wade?" Gabe asked her with curiosity in his eyes.
    Karlie felt a flush creep up her neck and she swallowed.  Now that she knew Wade was his best friend's brother, there was no way in hell she was going to tell him what she and Katie had done.  If he found out, it would be all on his own.  She was sure Wade wasn't going to tell him.  "Uh, yeah, he's a pro bronc rider. ..I know him from the circuit.   He was your best friend's brother, right?  Cassie told me earlier. "
    Sadness and something else, guilt maybe, flashed through Gabe's eyes , before he dropped his gaze to the toes of his boots and told her, " Yeah . ..and Sabrina's brother-in-law. ..before I got my best friend, Kenny, killed in a botched sting operation. "
    Karlie walked up and put her hand on his shoulder and said softly, "I'm so sorry about your friend, Gabe. .. "
    He looked back up her and his eyes were now dark pools of misery, and he choked out, " Kenny was a good man...and he died unnecessarily, because I fucked up. "
    Sliding her hand down his arm , Karlie laced her fingers with his , and gave his hand a squeeze .  Making him remember what must have been a horrible experience wasn't her intention , but it was just as obvious to her that he needed to get it out of his system .  All that crap inside of you could make you go nuts, Karlie knew firsthand , so she prompted, "You were there when he got killed?"
    He nodded then told her, "We were undercover in Phoenix and I said something stupid that blew our cover, Kenny tried to play it off and they killed him .  They would have killed me too, if he hadn't distracted them, so I could get out.   I was supposed to watch his back. ..I broke the p romise we made to each other when we joined the military, and just left him there . "
    Karlie sucked in a breath and put her other hand over her mouth, "Oh, my god Gabe..."
    He looked up at her and his eyes were tortured, his face pinched. " fuck up cost my best friend his life, and my sister her husband. ..and Wade his

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