Finding Her Fantasy

Free Finding Her Fantasy by Trista Ann Michaels

Book: Finding Her Fantasy by Trista Ann Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trista Ann Michaels
share a bedroom with
     them, but now he wished they hadn’t been. He wanted her in his room, in his bed, her
     body curled next to his.
    He’d watched Jon fuck her earlier on the patio and had almost joined them, but instead
     had decided to hang back and enjoy watching her respond to Jon. He liked the way her
     body moved and the way she screamed when she came. He wanted to hear it again. Right
    Jon was in bed. It would be just him and Melinda, which right now he believed was
     the better way to go. She didn’t live her brother’s lifestyle. It was doubtful she’d
     done two men at once, so he wanted to ease her into that a little more slowly than
     they usually did.
    He could easily find himself falling for her. If he were honest with himself, he could
     probably admit he was already half in love with her. He’d found himself thinking of
     her often ever since the first time he’d met her. He’d regularly wondered how in the
     hell she’d ended up with someone like Clark. He shook his head, chastising himself
     for not going after her sooner.
    He hadn’t out of respect for her brother, but the second Marcus had called them, he’d
     jumped at the chance, then hoped he hadn’t come across as too eager. Shaking his head,
     Erik pushed away from the door and walked to the nightstand, where he pulled out handcuffs
     and the Rabbit. It was time he stopped standing here daydreaming and started acting
     on his lust.

Chapter 8
    Melinda sighed as something warm and thick slid into her pussy. Her hips lifted to
     take it deeper and a moan escaped her lips, echoing through the room.
    Who was this? Was it Jon? She wiggled her hips and decided it couldn’t be Jon. The
     rod didn’t fill her as fully as he had. Vibrations began to snake through her body
     and move against her clit.
    The Rabbit, she realized.
    Opening her eyes, she tried to see in the darkened room. A dark form moved off to
     her right and she gasped, trying to sit up but couldn’t. Her wrists were bound and
     attached to the headboard of the bed.
    “Shh,” the figure said and Melinda realized it was Erik.
    He moved into the stream of moonlight coming through the door, and she stared in awe
     at his glorious naked body. Jeez, he looked incredible. Like some moon god come to
     life right here at her side.
    She watched as he climbed onto the bed and settled on his knees between her splayed
     thighs. He reached down and adjusted the toy, making her sigh as he pushed it just
     a little deeper.
    “I liked watching you earlier today,” he murmured.
    Her cheeks heated. She hadn’t even thought about having an audience. She’d been too
     aroused to think of anything other than what Jon had made her feel.
    Her gaze dropped to his cock, curious if he was as close to Jon’s size as she hoped
     he was. The toy vibrated inside her, but it was the thought of Erik thrusting into
     her that had her hips undulating with the rhythm of the toy. He was just as thick
     and maybe a little longer.
    He gripped the base and squeezed. Precum slipped out and dotted the tip. She licked
     her lips, wanting to taste that cream on her tongue.
    “Damn, you make a pretty picture,” Erik growled.
    He lifted his hand and brushed his long hair off his face. Melinda couldn’t take her
     eyes off the way his muscles rippled as his arm moved. Between staring at him and
     the toy tormenting her pussy, she was fast approaching release.
    Was he just going to watch her again?
    She wrapped her fingers around the bindings between her wrists and the bed and tugged.
     With a moan, she lifted her hips slightly, hoping to entice him. Would he be as good
     as Jon? God, she bet he was better.
    Erik dropped forward and braced his hands on either side of her shoulders. With a
     wicked grin that made her heart race wildly, he bent his head and licked his tongue
     across her nipple. She moaned and arched her back, trying to force her breasts farther
     into his mouth.
    Growling, he opened his

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