Cinderella and the Playboy / The Texan's Happily-Ever-After

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Book: Cinderella and the Playboy / The Texan's Happily-Ever-After by Lois Faye Dyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Faye Dyer
that sounds interesting.”
    Jennifer laughed. “Every guy who hears about Renee’s husband’s job says that. There must be a frustrated adventurer hidden in every male on the planet.”
    â€œMaybe.” He grinned.
    The waitress arrived with their food, interrupting their conversation. Jennifer indulged in crepes drizzled with chocolate sauce while Chance tucked into a Spanish omelet. By the time they’d finished eatingand had poured a second round of coffee, they were deep in a discussion of movies they’d seen.
    â€œYou like chick flicks,” Chance told her. “Most of the movies on your best-of list are romantic comedies.”
    â€œI liked the movie
Hunt For Red October
and that’s not a chick flick,” Jennifer protested.
    â€œNo kidding—you like that movie?” He lifted his brows in surprise. “I’ve seen it about a dozen times.”
    â€œMe, too.” Jennifer sipped her coffee. “Of course,” she added, “the film’s stars are Sean Connery and a young Alec Baldwin. To be honest, I’d be tempted to watch it over again just to see them.”
    â€œSo the big attraction isn’t the incredible underwater sub maneuvers or the great suspense plot, it’s the handsome actors?”
    She considered the question, eyes narrowed, before nodding firmly. “Pretty much.”
    Chance’s face lit with amusement, his deep, rich laughter drawing the attention of nearby diners.
    Jennifer suspected her smile was besotted but she couldn’t help it. The sunlight gleamed in his black hair, laugh lines fanning at the corners of his eyes.
    His gaze met his and his laughter died.
    â€œLet’s go home,” he said roughly, the curve of his mouth sensual.
    â€œYes,” she breathed, caught up in the heat that flared between them. “Let’s.”
    Jennifer woke slowly, stretching and smiling contentedly at the warmth against her back. A weight lay over her waist, anchoring her to the hard male body she lay tucked against and she realized Chance was curled around her, his arm holding her close.
    There was a great deal to like about waking up with a man, she thought with a smile.
    She opened her eyes. Just beyond the edge of the white sheet-covered mattress was the oak nightstand with a brass clock, its numbers glowing in the dim bedroom.
    Her eyes widened. It was almost four o’clock. And Linda had promised to return Annie to the apartment by 6:00 p.m.
    Her weekend was over.
    She wasn’t ready to let it go. She’d lost track of the number of times they’d made love and yet she wanted more. But reality intruded and she bit her lip, knowing she had no choice.
    Carefully, she lifted Chance’s arm and slipped out from beneath his hold. He muttered, protesting, and she froze beside the bed, holding her breath andhoping he wouldn’t waken. Then he shifted, sprawling on his stomach over the place where she’d lain moments before. His eyes remained closed and the tension eased out of his big body as he relaxed, clearly asleep again.
    Jennifer lingered a moment, her gaze tracing the beard-shadowed line of his jaw, the black lashes fanning against his olive skin and the sensual curve of his mouth. The white sheet was bunched at his waist, leaving the powerful muscles of his upper body and arms bare.
    Reluctant to leave him, she forced herself to turn her back and pad silently into the bathroom where she’d left her borrowed clothes earlier. Dressing quickly, she slipped through the connecting door to the hall and let herself out the front door of Chance’s town house.
    As she hurried down the street on her way to the bus stop on the next block, she was assailed by a barrage of memories of the hours spent with Chance.
    He was a man she could easily fall in love with, she realized. She hoped fervently that she hadn’t already done so—because she knew there wasn’t, could never be, a

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