Yours at Midnight
first time.” He couldn’t get her look of wonder out of his head, like she was trying to figure out a puzzle.
    She pressed against him a little more tightly. Dug her nails into his shoulder blades. “Nope. I saw a slide. Monkey bars. And a very adorable little boy.”
    “Know what I saw?”
    Her eyes drifted shut and she shook her head. She continued to rock against him. He waited until she lifted her lids. He saw pure, unbidden desire in their depths.
    “Ask me,” he said.
    “What did you see?” she asked, watching him from beneath long, thick eyelashes.
    “I saw a woman who’s strong and determined. A woman I want to make proud. I saw a mom who loves her son with everything she’s got—and for a little while today, she looked at me with fondness.”
    “Oh, Quinn.” She cupped his cheek. Her gaze moved to his mouth. She leaned down and—
    The front door flew open. “Sorry I’m laaa—”
    Lyric leaped off him. Ella covered her eyes with her hands. “Late,” Ella said. “Sorry I’m late, but I can definitely come back later.” She spun on her heel.
    “It’s okay, El. Stay,” Lyric said.
    Quinn pushed himself up and hoped Ella didn’t notice how, uh, happy Lyric had been making him. He wanted to vote for Ella to leave, but they obviously had something planned.
    Ella turned back around. “You sure?” She looked at Lyric, then Quinn. “Because what he’s offering is way better than what I am.”
    “El!” Now it was Lyric’s turn to cover her face with her hands.
    An embarrassed Lyric was a very cute Lyric. Quinn smiled at Ella. She grinned back. Her approval meant a lot to him. Ella had been Team Oliver growing up, too, but being that she was four years older, she hadn’t paid Quinn negative attention. Just zero attention.
    “What? He’s adorable, Lyr, and you’ve been out of commission for way too—”
    Lyric dropped her arms. “Stop! Just stop talking, okay?”
    Teddy lifted his head to look at Lyric, then went right back to snoozing.
    “You know that’s difficult for me.” Ella moved to the couch and plopped down. “So, Quinn—Lyric and I were supposed to label all the CDs tonight for party favors. Want to help? Or better yet, take my place? I promised Zane some holiday games in bed tonight. The sooner we get started, the more playing time.”
    “Holiday games?” Quinn asked. He could think of a few games he’d like to play with Lyric.
    “Oh my God! Will you please shut up?” Lyric grabbed Quinn’s arm and pushed him toward the door. “Quinn is leaving and you’re staying.”
    “Don’t I get a vote?” Quinn asked.
    “Yeah. Doesn’t he get a vote?” Ella exchanged a partners-in-crime look with him.
    “No one gets a vote but me.”
    “This bossiness of yours is a real turn on.” He stopped their momentum. She bumped into him and harrumphed.
    “Oh, you have no idea how bossy she can be. One time—”
    “Seriously, El. I’m going to cut out your tongue if you don’t shut up.” She opened the door. “Say goodbye to Quinn.”
    “Goodbye to Quinn. And sorry, dude. I tried.”
    “Thanks, Ella.” He waved farewell, then bent to murmur in Lyric’s ear. “Could I see you for a quick second outside?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer. He tugged her out with him and closed the door.
    Then before she had time to protest and before someone else could interrupt them, he hauled her up against him and kissed her.
    He didn’t bother with the preliminaries. He parted her lips and thrust his tongue inside. She moaned and twined her arms around his neck. She tasted exactly how he remembered: sweet and irresistible. Their tempo slowed, sped back up, slowed again. He forgot everything but the erotic glide of her tongue against his. He slipped a hand underneath her shirt and rested it on the small of her back, urging her hips closer to his.
    She wrapped a leg around him, bringing his thigh snug against her, and sighed the sexiest purr he’d ever heard. Nothing had ever

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