The Tainted Snuff Box

Free The Tainted Snuff Box by Rosemary Stevens

Book: The Tainted Snuff Box by Rosemary Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemary Stevens
Tags: regency mystery
killed her.  The murderer likely took the corpse to the sea, thinking the body would never be recovered.  Or if it was that the cause of death would be viewed as an accidental drowning.”
    Lord Perry looked at the magistrate.  “This will be a matter for the law then.”
    Mr. Kearley’s mouth opened and closed.  I thought him shaking in his shoes at the very thought of having a murder on his hands.
    The Prince did not look much better.  
    “But who was the young lady?” Lord St. Clair asked.  “We must contact her family.  How can we notify them if we do not know who she was?”
    Doctor Pitcairn looked at each of us.  “That is where I hope you gentlemen can be of assistance.  Though the body is somewhat bloated, the cold sea water has kept it preserved.  The corpse should be recognizable to anyone who knows the girl.  Mr. Brummell says he does not know who she is, but he is newly arrived in Brighton.  Perhaps one of you who have been here longer could view the body for identification.”
    “Zounds!” the Prince cried, recoiling in revulsion.  “I am positive she is unknown to me.  Absolutely positive.”
    “I shall do it,” Lord St. Clair said quietly.  “I have divided my time between Brighton, London, and my estate since June, but we have been in Brighton the majority of the time.  I might have seen the young lady.”
    “Thank you, my lord,” Doctor Pitcairn said.
    “I shall be glad to help if I can,” Lord Perry said.  “My wife and I have only been in Brighton two weeks, but still, it is worth an attempt.”
    Everyone waited for Mr. Kearley’s response.  Finally, the magistrate cleared his throat.  “There haven’t been any reports of missing young ladies.  I’ll have a look at her as well.  If none of us recognizes her, I’ll put a notice in the Brighton Advertiser and see if anyone comes forward to claim her as kin.  Otherwise . . ..”  The magistrate shrugged. 
    With the Prince’s permission, Doctor Pitcairn departed the room with Lords Perry and St. Clair and Mr. Kearley.  Prinny and I were alone.  “Sir, I know this latest development has heightened your anxiety—”
    The Prince rounded on me.  “Why you felt you had to bring the dead girl here surpasses all imagination, Brummell.  You know I have been treading gingerly since I received those death threats.  My being subjected to this latest mess is unnecessary and it rankles.”
    I stared at him in surprise.  “What would you have had me do?  The young lady appeared to be Quality.  For all I knew, she might even have been a guest in this house.”
    He let out a conceding sigh at this.  “I expect you’ve the right of it.  It’s just that I am provoked beyond all reason.  My feelings are much too lacerated by those damned threats to sustain the further strain of dealing with this unknown young lady’s death.”
    “I understand.  I am persuaded you would feel better for some of that brandy.  If you wish, I should be glad to swallow some first to be certain of its purity,” I told him, picking up the glass the footman had brought in earlier. 
    “No need for that,” a voice boomed from the doorway.  Sir Simon bowed, then advanced into the room and snatched the glass from my hand.  He promptly inhaled a large gulp and grinned at the Prince.  “I’m at your service, your Royal Highness.”
    Much to my disapproval, the arrival of the odious Sir Simon brought an expression of relief to the Prince’s face.  “ ‘Tis an honourable thing you’re doing, Sir Simon, putting my life above yours.”
    Sir Simon swelled with pride.  Or more likely, conceit.  “My duty to England, sir.  Only doing my duty.  Well, Mr. Brummell, I hear you picked up something more than a shell on the Brighton beach this morning.  Too bad the female was dead, eh?  Not much good in that, is there?” 
    A fit of ribald laughter overtook the baronet.  I was shocked to see an indulgent smile cross Prinny’s

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