Samantha Steel is...The Spy Who Did Me--The First Coming   A Samantha Steel Erotic Thriller
quickly, moaning. I gave his
penis a hard squeeze, and he moaned in return.
    He released his hand from me, again taking
some fingers into his mouth. I joined him, tasting myself from his
hand. I continued my slow stroke of his cock, feeling the tip
becoming a bit wet from his own fluid. He was ready.
    I tucked my right leg underneath me, bringing
my knee up, and underneath my breast, opening up my pussy for him.
He slid into my wetness easily, another shudder of pleasure running
through me as he entered inside of me.
    He began a slow, steady rhythm...pistoning
his cock back and forth, then in and out. He pulled himself out,
wanting me to give him a squeeze, which I obliged. I did him the
favor of caressing his balls, as well. His cock's bulbous head
engorged, returned inside of me, the thrusting longer and more
pronounced. I felt my inner heat beginning to build again, as his
hips moved in sync with mine.
    He lifted his body straight up, and
positioned my legs on his shoulders. His thrusting was short and
quick from this position. As he moved, I rubbed my hands across his
abs, feeling them flexing with each thrust. He grabbed my ankles,
placing them together, and holding them up with one hand, still
pumping me rhythmically, my pussy lips sucking on his cock.
    I reached down with one hand, and found my
clit, rubbing her clockwise. An intense moan escaped my lips as my
orgasm ran through me, the pumping wetness seeping out of me, all
around his cock.
    His thrusting began to increase, as well as
his breathing and moaning. I was with him. I opened my legs, and
started to thrust back at him with ferocity. I felt the head of his
cock grow inside me, as he erupted, a deep guttural moan escaping
him now. He threw his head back, exhaling a deep gust of
    I was still rubbing myself, entertaining tiny
orgasms when he was finished. We kissed long, and hard, enjoying
each other’s touch. He fell onto his back, still breathing deeply.
“Now that's how I like to wake up in the middle of the night,
beautiful.” he said, with a bit of a southern accent. I just moaned
at him.
    He got up to use the bathroom...I watched him
move away from me, his naked behind twitching with each step, as it
caught some of the light coming from a small opening in the drawn
drapes. Even in the dead of the night, there was light in Las
Vegas. The strip was always lit up.
    The “He” that just rocked my world was good
at what he did. There were no names in these situations...I was
always “She”, and they were always “He”. I usually don't pay for
it, especially considering I'm best friends with the Madame of the
ritziest brothel in Nevada, but my regular guy here in Vegas was
called out of town, which I found strange. But “Mr. Gigolo” in the
bathroom got the job done, so I'm not complaining.
    He came back to bed, kissed my forehead, and
rolled over on to his right side. I think this was finally the
opportunity I needed to catch some sleep. I really needed it, and
like I said before...I love sleeping after hot sex.

    I started to drift in to a half-sleep, my
mind thinking about how I got here. I don't mean the hotel suite in
Vegas...I mean how I, Samantha Steel, Agent of GESS, got to this
point in my life. As I drifted off, memories flooded in to my
dreams, back to my childhood...
    I was placed in a foster home when I was
around two. I don't recall much before the age of five or six, but
who does? The one thing I do remember...I was different. I had no
parents...I was in the “system”; you know the one where you hear
horror stories about foster kids. But that isn't my story. Yes, I
may be considered a foster child, but as it turns out, I was really
being groomed. Observed. I wasn't like those foster kids you hear
about...I was placed in to one home, and there I stayed until I was
almost eighteen...which is pretty unusual.
    I recall my foster mom and the other foster
kids in the house with us. Seven kids in all.

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