wasn’t meant for you.”
She ran and ran, and he could hear her sobs. He finally grasped her shoulder from behind. “Diana, please stop.”
She spun around and glared at him. “Stop? So what? So you can have your last laugh and tell me about how right you were? Well, I will not give you the satisfaction, Micheil Ramsay.”
“He took advantage of you. I’m not here to prove you wrong, just to make sure you don’t let him take advantage of you again.”
“Well, at least it was someone besides the Baron Gow. I was almost forced to marry that old lout without having been properly kissed. So do not think to tell me what to do. If I wish to kiss someone, I will, and I don’t have to check with you!”
“Och, is that so? You think you’ll just walk down a path and kiss whomever you wish?” He moved closer to her, making sure no one was about and they were well hidden in the trees. “Do you think your father would like that?” He moved closer until her breasts almost brushed his chest. “And what about your cousin? Would Alex Grant let you kiss just anyone you chose?”
“I do not care. I will kiss whomever I want.” Her hands settled on her hips, and she leaned toward him, glaring at him, daring him to do something he knew he shouldn’t.
He glowered back at her. How was he to talk sense into her? “Nay, you will not. If you do, I’ll return you to Baron Gow.” His shout echoed through the trees.
“You would, would you not? You hate me. You don’t want me to marry anyone of my choosing or even talk to anyone of my choosing.” Her finger pointed at his chest. “You wish to choose everything for me, even the men I kiss. Why? Why do you care?”
“Because.” Hellfire, but he could breathe in her scent, they stood so close. He glanced at her lips, begging to be kissed. Her breasts touched his chest for a second, and a spark of fire coursed through him. Slud, but she was so beautiful, he could not think straight sometimes.
She still stared at him, but the fury in her gaze had turned to something else. Desire. He saw it and grabbed her, covering her mouth with his. He tugged her close and ran his teeth across her bottom lip until she parted for him so he could sink his tongue into her sweet cavern. Hellfire, he had wanted this for a while. She tasted of strawberries, and when she touched her tongue to his, he groaned and delved deeper. A soft mewling sound erupted from the back of her throat that undid him. He ravished her lips until she rubbed against him, fueling a fire he didn’t know if he could put out anytime soon. Finally, his senses returned and he stepped back, placing a good distance between them.
“You wanted a kiss. That’s how you kiss, not the insipid way your knight kissed you.” With that, he turned on his heel and stalked away. The last thing he noticed was Diana running her fingers across her lips as she stared at him, awestruck.
At least, he hoped she was awestruck. Though he would probably be better off if she were angry, because there was only one way to put out the fire she had just started in him, and he couldn’t do that to her. Alex would kill him and so would Aunt Elspeth.
He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone, and it scared the hell out of him.
Chapter Nine
Diana was spellbound. She rubbed her lips, still able to taste Micheil. That kiss had not been anything like Randall’s. Randall had been harsh, rough, and slobbery. Micheil’s kiss had been demanding, devouring, but it had set off a spark in her body. It had been the kind of kiss she’d imagined she would get from her knight someday.
Her breathing had increased when she was in Micheil’s arms, though she was not sure why. She waited until it slowed before following him out of the woods. To her surprise, Micheil was waiting for her at the edge of the tree line. His harsh breathing made her heart speed back up, and a sense of empowerment came over her because she realized something important. She