
Free AgeofInnocence by Eliza Lloyd

Book: AgeofInnocence by Eliza Lloyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Lloyd
attempt to last longer. To give her pleasure before he spilled into her. When
he reached ten, he started at one again. He reached ten a second time but by
then he could not breathe, did not believe he could hear and would have been
happy to die between her legs. Blood pulsed through his cock, making him as
hard as he had ever been. One. Two.
    When he spilled, he roared. The first spasmodic release
caused his hips to jerk as he speared into her in one final deep thrust. He
held his body rigid over hers, as deep as he could fit, while a second and then
third ejaculation shot radiating pleasure through every nerve in his body.
    He braced his arms, keeping himself poised over her so he
did not crush her with his full weight. His head hung down. His eyes remained
closed. Ferd should have glanced at her, assured her all was well but he still
thought about his shaft—his pulsing, aching shaft—still deep within her body
and how, God help him, he wanted to use her until she begged him to stop.
    Ferd rolled from her body onto his back, wondering if he
would ever have another thought that didn’t involve swiving Lettie.

Chapter Four
    When Lettie woke the next morning, she was pleasantly
surprised that Ferd still lay beside her. If he was angelic at his daytime
best, he now appeared to have been blessed by the Creator himself in the
beatific and peaceful countenance he wore as he slept beside her. One of his
long-fingered hands lay over his bare chest.
    During the night, he had awakened at least twice. He had
disturbed her getting from the bed. She had not asked why he was restless nor
did he ask her for more sexual pleasure, though she suspected that is what
plagued him.
    Innocence was such a rare virtue.
    Was he afraid to demand his rights as a husband? Was he too
gentlemanly to believe he could enjoy his wife as much as they mutually agreed?
    The white linen covered his lower extremities but lay over
his body in revealing curves and bulges.
    Lettie felt a surge of delicious selfishness. Ferd was all
    She smiled at the revelation.
    Then her heart filled with sudden pain and she nearly burst
into tears. Ferd might be the last and most honorable man in London. And that,
she knew, she did not deserve.
    Oh, it was not good to covet such a man. He could be lost
just as easily as her first two husbands.
    “Ferd,” she whispered.
    He didn’t move but his eyes cracked open a wee bit and his
mouth drew up on one side in a rakish smile. Lettie rolled to her side and then
climbed over him, lying full length over his body. He slid his arm about her
waist, securing her. She curled one foot around his ankle, felt the hard length
of his cock against her stomach and entwined one arm about his neck. She
nestled against him perfectly as if he were made for her body.
    An incredible surge of emotion washed over her again. This
time the tears dripped onto Ferd’s chest. He tensed under her.
    “What is it, Lettie?”
    “I don’t want to lose you. I know we’ve only just married
but the thought of you dying makes me sad.”
    “Dying? My grandfather lived until he was eighty-seven. I
think you will have to put up with me for a good while yet.”
    His hand soothed up and down her back, but she knew Ferd
really couldn’t understand her distress.
    “I will probably outlive you,” he said, “and then where will
I be? And old man looking for a perky young wife.”
    She shuddered from the tears but a laugh escaped anyhow.
    It was clear she had found something good and wonderful in
Ferd. It seemed grossly unfair she might lose him as quickly as she had lost
her other husbands. Emotions were interfering with sound reason. Her first
husband had been much older and her second husband had been much older and not
in the best health. There, a perfectly logical reason to assume she and Ferd
would grow old together.
    “You can’t go through your life imagining the worst.” His
hand stroked through her hair and she glanced up at him.

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