Fudgeballs And Other Sweets

Free Fudgeballs And Other Sweets by Lori Copeland

Book: Fudgeballs And Other Sweets by Lori Copeland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Copeland
to help. Tonight I’ll—”
    â€œYou can’t keep her tonight.”
    â€œWhy not?”
    â€œBecause you just can’t. Rob left her with me.” She realized how juvenile that sounded, but she wanted Dory with her. Hang the financial reports and Fudgeballs. “I’m getting caught up with my orders.” She nuzzled Dory. “I’ve missed you, sweetie.” Dory grabbed Jenny’s finger, stuck it in her mouth and clamped down hard. Jenny sucked in her breath and grinned when she felt something sharp. “Dave!” She probed the front gums, grinning. “She’s got two teeth!”
    Dave was instantly at her side, poking his finger in Dory’s mouth. “I’ll be damned, there are two. Where did the second one come from? It wasn’t there last night.”
    Jenny felt giddy. It was a momentous occasion. “Here, hold her while I get the camera.”
    She was aware of his gaze following her to the back room. She didn’t have to look at him to sense his interest. The tingling sensation down her spine told her he was looking at her as a woman rather than a neighbor. She had to keep her distance. The more she was around him, the more she enjoyed his company. Her growing interest and dependence scared her.
    She returned a moment later. “I found it, and it still has film. We’re in luck.”
    Dave exchanged the baby for the camera. “I’ll get a shot of you holding Dory.”
    â€œNot the way I look,” she protested.
    â€œYou’re gorgeous. Hold Dory’s mouth open.”
    It took several tries to get the pose just right. Jenny tickled Dory’s belly to make her laugh just before Dave snapped the picture. She was still giggling with Dory when she handed the baby to him. “Now you.”
    Their hands brushed as they made the switch. She was certain Dave’s fingers lingered longer than necessary. Or was it that when they touched, everything moved in slow motion? Heat spread to parts of her body she’d purposely ignored since her breakup with Brian. Was it her imagination, or did she sense reluctance when his hand left hers? She didn’t need this complication in her life. He obviously wasn’t in the market for a relationship, and she had enough to contend with without falling in love.
    â€œAll right, now let me get a shot of you,” she teased.
    â€œMe?” Dave frowned. “Forget it. I hate having my picture taken.”
    â€œToo bad!” She grinned, lifting the camera.
    He lowered Dory in front of him till the top of her head was at his chin, crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth just as the flash went off.
    â€œThat’ll be one she can show to her grandkids,” Jenny grumbled.
    Dory began sucking her fist and whimpering.
    â€œIs she hungry?” She laid the camera on the counter.
    â€œNo, I just fed her.” Dave lifted the baby over his shoulder and patted her. “I’ll take her to the house and put her down for a nap. Peter’s watching the store this morning.”
    Jenny stiffened. He was doing it again. All of a sudden he was taking care of Dory and she wasn’t. “No. I know you’re more experienced, but I think I’m doing just fine for a beginner.”
    â€œYou’re doing a great job, but you’re busy and I’m not.
    Jenny rounded the display case. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. You’ve been a big help, but I can take it from here. I’ve imposed enough as it is. I really shouldn’t have involved you.”
    The door opened, and a stream of customers poured in. They spread out, crowding the small floor space.
    Jenny tried to take Dory from him.
    He held on tightly.
    She pulled at Dory, and Dory fussed louder.
    Dave drew back. “You’re hurting her.”
    â€œThen let go of her.”
    â€œShe needs a nap, for heaven’s sake. What’s the big deal about me

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