Kiss and Makeup

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Book: Kiss and Makeup by Taryn Leigh Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taryn Leigh Taylor
    Chloe’s hand was shaking as she pumped some foundation onto a makeup sponge, and she forced herself to take a deep breath to still the tremor. She was just about to start the application when Caroline held out her hand to stop her.
    Chloe raised her eyebrows.
    â€œListen, you’re not going to do my makeup exactly the way you do yours, right? I mean, you won’t use green or anything? And less eyeliner, okay? I’m not going to a rock concert. I’m getting married.”
    Chloe laughed at that, and the overwhelming tension that had been tying knots into her shoulders since she’d stepped in the room lessened. “Shut up and trust me, brat.”
    Caroline smiled and did just that.
    Twenty minutes later, Chloe was pretty damn impressed with her handiwork. Her sister was glowing in soft shades of nudes and pinks, looking every inch the blushing bride. A second coat of mascara and she’d be ready for her big moment.
    Chloe twisted the cap off the tube and leaned in to apply the finishing touch.
    â€œI wanted to ask you to be a bridesmaid.”
    Chloe’s hand jerked at the admission, and the brush touched her sister’s eyebrow. “Oh, God. Hold on, I can fix that!” She jammed the wand back into the tube with undue haste and started digging through her bag for her makeup remover. She didn’t notice her hands were shaking until Caroline touched her forearm and she froze.
    â€œDon’t worry about the mascara.” The soft, understanding note in her sister’s voice gave Chloe the courage to look at her. “I just wanted you to know that I wanted you here.”
    Why was it hard to breathe?
    â€œMom kyboshed the bridesmaid idea pretty quick, I’m sure.” She was joking, so she hoped Caroline had missed the note of hurt that stained the words.
    Her little sister shook her head, staring at her lap. “I—I decided not to ask you.” Caroline looked up, and once again, Chloe saw the woman she’d grown into. Nothing like the spoiled brat of her memories. “I figured the only way I’d get you here was to make you as anonymous as possible.”
    â€œReally good guess,” Chloe managed to say.
    â€œI needed you to be part of this, Chloe. I miss you. I know we didn’t used to get along well, but I was a stupid teenager. I was jealous of my big sister, the rebel! Doing what she wanted, being who she wanted. And then you just left,” she said, voice trembling.
    â€œOh, God, don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup,” Chloe warned, but they were both far past being able to obey.
    â€œI’m sure you’ve always thought of me as a goody two-shoes, doing what Mom and Dad wanted. And a lot of the time, you were right. I was. But not today. I’m not getting married to show you up. Or because Mom is friends with his mother. I don’t care that he’s going to be a doctor. I love Dalton. I love him and he loves me. I just wanted to tell you that. I’m going to be Mrs. Van Allen because I want to be.”
    Chloe nodded, grabbing a tissue from the vanity for her sister, and one for herself. “I’m happy for you, Caro.” They both daubed under their eyes for stray tears. “Now stop bawling and let’s fix your face.”
    A cotton swab’s worth of makeup remover and a few more swipes of mascara, and Caroline looked perfectly perfect.
    â€œOh, my gosh, Chloe. This is amazing! I never... I never thought I could look like this. I’m blown away.”
    There was a knock on the door a moment before six girls in matching ice-blue dresses came rushing in, chattering like happy little birds, oohing and aahing over the beautiful bride.
    That was her cue to leave. Chloe shoved all her stuff back in her bag, and headed for the door. She managed to catch her sister’s eye through the crowd, and gave her a nod. Caroline managed a little wave before being swept toward the massive

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