Kiss and Makeup

Free Kiss and Makeup by Taryn Leigh Taylor

Book: Kiss and Makeup by Taryn Leigh Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taryn Leigh Taylor
    Then he settled beside her, propping himself on his elbows so he could stare down at her. Her makeup was different again. Today his little chameleon was sporting a clever blend of pinks and browns that made the golden flecks in her green eyes shine.
    She raised her hand to his cheek, startling him out of his inspection, and he accepted her wordless invitation and lowered his lips to hers.
    The soft meeting of their mouths was a revelation, so different than the last time she’d been in his arms. That had been the heat and passion of a match meeting gasoline. This was a slow burn, and he let himself revel in the sweet eroticism, the simple beauty of just kissing her.
    The first sweep of her tongue made his breath catch. As much as he loved the soft brush of her lips on his, tasting, teasing, he was relieved as the pressure built because he was starting to go out of his mind with all this restraint. His breath came faster, his mouth grew more demanding, and he ached to touch Chloe everywhere.
    She pressed her palm to his chest, curling her fingers into his shirt, tugging him closer. He loved knowing she was as turned on by their make-out session as he was. She had just started in on his shirt buttons when the shrill ring of her cell phone intruded on the moment.
    He rested his forehead against hers. “Ignore it.”
    â€œIt’s my mom. She’ll only call back if I don’t answer. Again and again and again. Trust me. It’s why I assigned her a special ringtone in the first place.”
    With a sigh, Ben flopped onto his back as she crawled across the bed in search of her phone. It took a moment of digging through her purse and four more rings to answer the call.
    â€œHi, Mom...Yes, we’re here...” She glanced over at Ben, rolling her eyes. “Right now?...Okay, I’ll be there in a minute...Yes, the fourth floor...I understand that you’re on seven, and I know how to use an elevator, so I’m sure this will all work out fine. Okay...Okay...Yes...Mom, I’m coming right up...I’m coming right up! We can talk about it when I get there. I’ll see you in a minute.”
    â€œWhat, did she follow our cab to make sure we came straight here?”
    â€œI wouldn’t put it past her.” Chloe tugged her T-shirt back into place as she stood. “I am really sorry about this. But I’m glad you’re coming to this wedding with me. I don’t know how I’d have gotten through this by myself, so thank you.”
    He stacked his hands behind his head and waggled his eyebrows. “You can thank me later.”
    God, he loved making her laugh.
    â€œI really wish I didn’t have to leave.” She walked over to the mirror and fussed a little with her hair. “I have no idea how long this will take, so good luck with your meeting.”
    â€œYou can good luck me later, too.”
    She turned and hit him with a sultry look that upped the heat simmering in his belly. “Oh, I’ll luck you all right.” She started walking toward him with a slinky, do-me walk that drove him crazy. “And it’s gonna be so good,” she promised, leaning over to plant a final kiss on his mouth. Ben grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down on top of him.
    She giggled against his lips, squirming to get back up. “Ben, I have to go or she’ll send out a search party!”
    He groaned as she got free of his embrace and pushed herself up off the bed.
    â€œFiona Masterson waits for no woman.”
    â€œFine,” he relented. “Get out of here already. I have a meeting to prepare for.”
    â€œI’ll see you back here when I’m done.” She grabbed a tube of lipstick from her purse and did a quick touch-up before heading for the door.
    â€œHey, Chloe?”
    She glanced over her shoulder at him.
    â€œBet you wish you knew where all the emergency exits were now, huh?”
    She was still laughing when she

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