Sexy Little Secrets - A Bedside Companion

Free Sexy Little Secrets - A Bedside Companion by Christina Mascaro

Book: Sexy Little Secrets - A Bedside Companion by Christina Mascaro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Mascaro
his heels.
    “So what,” she shrugged. “More time for us to spend together anyway. You’re practices get in the way of us being together.”
    Tim set down his bag, his hands on her arms.  He leaned his forehead against hers. “I know.  I’m just tired.”  He sighed, closing his eyes.  She could feel his breath on her lips and chin.  She smiled sadly, the pad of her thumb tracing his lips.  He parted them slightly, taking in a breath.  He lowered his head, and found her mouth with his own.  His kiss was tender and barely touching.  She raised herself on tiptoe, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing back.  His hands grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to his body.
    As his lips gently pried hers apart, his mouth consumingly taking over, Amanda felt cold fire race through her neck.  He was so tender and persistent.
    “ Tim, we’re in the locker room.”  She murmured against his mouth. 
    Tim leaned his forehead against hers, smiling. “Who cares?”  He said.  He moved to kiss her again, his fingers tipping up her chin so she could kiss him better.
    Her throat swelled and Tim’s kiss moved to her throat.  Amanda closed her eyes, tilting her head back, breathless.  His fingers slipped beneath the sweater she was wearing and gently fondled her breasts.  He undid her bra, cupping each breast in each hand.  Still kissing, he backed her into a padded table.  He scooted her on top, and climbed on himself.  They broke the kiss so he could slip off his shirt.  She worked her way out of her jeans and he pulled off the remainder of his clothing. 
    They kissed some more as Amanda lay back, his body pressing against hers.  Amanda’s fingers touched his cheeks while they kissed, and her slim fingers ran through his hair.  There was true passion and hunger to their kisses.  He slid his hands once again under her sweater, and pushed the heavy fabric up to her chin, lowering his head to her smooth abdomen.  She pulled her sweater totally off. 
    His muscles shuddering in excitement, he kissed her on the mouth, his tongue playing a dangerous game.
    “Tim...” Amanda breathed, drawing him close.  His teeth clenched for control.  His hips arched away, and with a driving thrust his hips met hers, burying himself to the hilt inside of her.  His mouth came down hard on hers, muffling her cry of pain, shock, and ecstasy.  He withdrew his full length, and thrusted into her again, with more gentleness, deeper and deeper.  She cried out softly, controlling the sound to not gather attention from unwanted visitors as she arched her back, driving him deeper still.  His groin was on fire as each long stroke of his was clenched tightly by her muscles, not wanting him to withdraw.  His hips bunched as he pressed as far as he could go.  He groaned intensely. s
    “ Tim—” she breathed raggedly, arching her back to him.  She squeezed her thighs on his hips, pulling him deeper and harder.  He thrusted harder and harder as she moved, her fingers kneading at his shoulders, gripping his wet hair.  With every one of his thrusts she lifted her bottom to meet him, in need.  He slipped his hands under her bottom, holding her still, tightly, meshing their hips.  Amanda’s arms wound tightly around his shoulders in effort to endure.  She clung to him as his hips rubbed against her feverishly, in a methodical rhythm.  Her body swayed with his rocking and his lips parted.
    “ Amanda, oh god,” Tim gave an enormous groan, exhaling hard.
    Small cries were dragged from the back of her throat as she cried his name.  Tremors tingled through her body like pins and needles.  She reached her climax, her release, and his hips locked hard against hers. 
    His head lifted and his whole body shuddered wildly, repeatedly, his swollen member spasming inside of her.  Her name ripped from his lips as hot liquid spilled inside of her.  Her muscles gripped him, not wanting to let go as he lowered her bottom and rested on

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