Adrift: The Complete Novel

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Book: Adrift: The Complete Novel by C. G. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. G. Cooper
still mementos of her touch in his house, mostly pictures and furniture, stuff a man wouldn’t buy. “If I can ask, what happened to her?”
    His gaze never left the ocean. “Cancer. Five years ago. We found out pretty late. She lived two months after the doctor diagnosed her.”
    “I’m sorry.”
    Hollie turned and looked at me. “So am I. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss her. She made me whole. I almost died when she left.”
    “I can’t imagine.”
    He cocked his head. “I think you can.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I can see you, Daniel Briggs. You’re a tough Marine, probably a sniper or force recon. But you’re human. I see your pain. It’s okay if you don’t want to talk to me about it, but there will come a day, hopefully not long from now, when you will have to tell someone, deal with the demons.”
    I didn’t want to hear it. My temper flared. “What do you know about it?”
    Hollie chuckled. “Son, there are things that I’ve seen that I never told a soul. Tore me apart inside for a long time. Did I tell you that I lost half my platoon in Korea?”
    My hands gripped the steering wheel hard, the memories bubbling to the surface. I couldn’t speak for fear of letting my emotions run.
    “I blamed myself for a long time,” he continued. “Wasn’t a soul I could talk to. I thought no one would understand. Hurt a lot of people because of my anger. Fell hard, privately, of course. Everyone else saw a hero coming home after saving the world from the North Koreans. I felt like screaming at them. Drank a lot in those days. Tried to forget. Hurt my friends. Hurt my family.”
    I tried to steady my breath, focused on the road.
    It hadn’t been hard for Renley Watts to find the old man’s place. He’d almost missed them. From years of practice, he hung back, his borrowed 2002 Honda Accord blending well once they hit town. Tracking was simply a matter of pulling up next to the pickup, arm dangling out the driver’s side window, and tossing a magnetic tracking device against the old man’s truck.
    The hard work done, Watts sped off to find a secluded spot to park and begin monitoring his quarry.

    Chapter 20
    We pulled into the Bay Point Marina after driving past the community golf course.
    “Nice place,” I admired, taking in the variety of boats sitting in their wells.
    “I’m over on the left.”
    “They just pulled into the Bay Point Marina.”
    Max Laney scowled. “What are they doing?”
    “I’m not there yet.”
    “Well hurry and get there.”
    “I will.”
    The first stop was Hollie’s boat, a twenty two foot center console fishing rig named Bite Me . I pointed to the name. Hollie laughed. “A little joke between me and my wife. She hated sharks and I always used to kid her about them. The name was my lame attempt of humor.”
    We climbed aboard, Hollie inspecting as he went.
    “Know anything about boats?” he asked, using a towel to wipe the bugs off the console.
    “Got my coxswain’s license in North Carolina, but that was a while ago. Probably couldn’t tie a knot if you asked me.”
    “But you know how to drive?”
    “I do.”
    “Good. Come over here and give me a hand.”
    Renley Watts pulled into the Marina casually, taking his time. It took him a minute to find the truck. Seconds later, he spotted Daniel’s head peaking out of the white fishing boat.
    Parking a ways off, but still with a view of the two men, Watts settled in and watched.
    Hollie had just finished his obligatory maintenance checks. “What do you say we take her out for a spin?”
    “I was thinking about going over to the shop and asking around. Maybe someone saw Johnny the night Kelly was killed.”
    “Good idea. I’ll come with you.”
    The girl behind the counter was completely unhelpful. Her eyes were glued to the old television in the corner.
    “Are you sure there wasn’t anyone here that

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