Highland Stone

Free Highland Stone by Sloan McBride

Book: Highland Stone by Sloan McBride Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloan McBride
gone too far. She needed to escape before she did something crazy with that man, or to him. Who knew what kind of history she'd screw up if she had any more interaction than necessary. It would definitely be interaction with Alaxandar. "Damn it. Quit thinking about him and concentrate."
    Down below, Alaxandar and Cuilén practiced in the bailey and she paused to watch. The clang of blades was musical, the graceful movements like a dance. "I never thought of sword play as an art," she murmured. The rhythm and style of movement are pure perfection.
    Shirtless, Alaxandar's wide expanse of shoulders and smooth, hard muscles gleamed with sweat. It wasn't the weather that made her hot. Even young Cuilén looked impressive. She understood why women would want them and why Ilysse had fallen so hard. Her gaze traveled around the yard. Jamie's bare torso glistened in the sun as he and Archibald parried and thrust. Archibald's sword flew from his hands and Jamie snickered, enjoying his opponent's embarrassment.
    In the far corner of the bailey away from the others, Kara saw something that surprised her. Eleyne, practicing with a small sword which fit perfectly in her hand. She emulated the moves of the men, managing quite nicely. Feisty little thing. How sad that a young girl lived in a time when she'd have need of such knowledge.
    Again, Kara turned her gaze on Alaxandar. "Oh my, you are an incredible sight," she whispered to herself, inching forward to get a better look. Almost as if he'd heard the comment, he raised his eyes. Cuilén nearly took his head off. She blushed from head to toe. She had been caught gawking.
    A thunder of horses entered the gates. Kara peeked over the wall to see several men in plaid, boots, and covered with mud dismounting. Alaxandar strolled to the leader and clasped his forearms. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but by the looks of the men, it couldn't be good news. The man talking to Alaxandar had a tall, muscular form. He did not smile freely as the others and his dark expression made her more curious.
    Later, the same man appeared in the stables squeaky clean, but with the same guarded expression.
    "Who is he?" Kara asked an elderly clanswoman.
    "He be Ramsey MacLaren," the woman sneered.
    So that's Ramsey. "You do not like him?"
    "Something isna right about him. His eyes be ever watchful and he never smiles."
    Kara studied Ramsey while he helped Cuilén with the horses. His short blond hair curled on his forehead. She had trouble imagining Leelah with this brooding man. Why would Drummond MacLeod do that to his daughter? She'd talk to Leelah later and get the skinny on their relationship.
    For now, she needed to concentrate on her own problem.
    * * * *
    Alaxandar accompanied by Cuilén, Iain, and Jamie, spent the rest of the day distributing meat and supplies to clan members. Early that morning, the hunters had bagged two deer, a dozen grouse, and an equal number of rabbits, all to be shared. The previous night he and his clansmen had ridden hard over their lands looking for signs of the reivers who'd attacked, but found naught. The crafty bastards covered their tracks well.
    On the journey back to the keep, Alaxandar's thoughts dwelled a little too long on what had happened between him and Kara. He'd gone from suspicion and anger to desire and need in the blink of an eye. Mayhap it was a ploy to get him off the scent of the true culprits. She tied him in knots as a distraction. She was bloody good at it.
    "I think I be needing the feel o' a good woman." Jamie said.
    Iain snorted.
    "There be women aplenty to help ease your suffering, Jamie me lad," Alaxandar replied.
    "Aye, ease your suffering," Iain chortled.
    "Cuilén?" Jamie asked.
    A wide grin creased Cuilén's face. "I shall be marrit in a few days time. I be thinking of me bonny bride and the pleasures I shall bestow on her. That warms me nights."
    "That and the horses," Iain laughed.
    Cuilén slapped his younger brother with the reins.

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