(Skeleton Key) Into Elurien

Free (Skeleton Key) Into Elurien by Kate Sparkes

Book: (Skeleton Key) Into Elurien by Kate Sparkes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Sparkes
opened behind her, and Zinian stepped out.
    “What’s going on out here?” He frowned at me. “You shouldn’t be here.”
    “Please,” I said. “They’re going to burn all of the books from the library.”
    “As they’ve been ordered to do,” Zinian said quietly. “This is not a situation you want to involve yourself in, Hazel.”
    “But so much could be lost.” I glanced at Jaid and wished she’d leave. Her eyes seemed to cut me every time she shot me one of her disgusted looks.
    Zinian took the book from me and flipped through it slowly, as though absorbing the images. “Better to make a clean start.”
    I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. “With respect, there’s no such thing.”
    He raised an eyebrow. “No?”
    Think, Hazel . This was basic negotiation. I couldn’t ask them to save the library because I wanted to see whether it held my answers, or because I wanted to keep a familiar place where I would feel safe while I learned how to escape from this strange world. No, I had to think of what they would get out of saving it.
    I forced myself to ignore Jaid’s glare and Auphel’s hurt expression, and focused on Zinian. When I looked into his eyes, it was almost possible to forget how monstrous he was. They’re reasonable people, I reminded myself, protecting themselves from the real monsters.
    “What if the answer to Verelle’s disappearance is in those books?” I asked. “What if they’re about to burn your only chance at finding and finishing her?”
    Jaid hissed. “She has no idea what she’s talking about, Zin. Verelle is gone, and Grys has called off the hunt. For your own sake, forget this. You said you would.”
    Zinian gave her a sharp look. “I’m well aware of what I’ve agreed to.” When he turned to me, his eyes remained hard, but there was no anger there. I’d never been good at reading people, but I thought I read interest in his keen gaze. “You may be correct, Hazel. And I imagine you’ve considered the fact that the books may contain answers regarding your own journey home. But I can’t walk into that room and say we have to restore the library for the sake of one human or my own lingering…” He paused, searching for the right word.
    “Obsession,” Jaid offered. “Think of your reputation. If you stand before Grys and show any weakness toward a human or their culture, it will confirm everything your detractors say about you. If anything, you should stand in the square tonight and drop the torch that starts the fire. Seal your position. Claim the victory, remind them who made it possible. You’ve been too quiet since Verelle disappeared. Too absent from the streets.”
    The relief I felt at hearing he hadn’t been out there ripping off people’s legs hit me hard. It doesn’t mean he’s safe, I reminded myself.
    Zinian rolled his shoulders back and flexed his wings. “You see the problem, Hazel?”
    I didn’t think I saw all of it, but it gave me an idea of what he was up against. He’d mentioned how his human aspects had set him apart from other monsters, but I suspected it went deeper than that. Zinian’s position seemed to be nearly as precarious as mine.
    “You can’t ask the general to save the library for my sake, or for yours.”
    Jaid flicked an ear. “She can be taught. Incredible.” She leaned against the wall and tapped her claws against the dark stone. The casual pose did nothing to make her seem less dangerous. “Go back to Verelle’s rooms, human Hazel.” She glared at Auphel. “And stay out of the way, this time.”
    I ignored the claws, my trembling heart, and the sweat that had formed on my forehead in spite of the cool air. Zinian was still listening, so I focused on him again.
    “There’s a saying in my world that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it,” I said. Jaid narrowed her eyes, but didn’t interrupt me. “The history of your world seems as cold and cruel as mine, but surely forgetting isn’t the

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