Betrayal (The Forever Series)

Free Betrayal (The Forever Series) by Eve Newton

Book: Betrayal (The Forever Series) by Eve Newton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Newton
about it in private, her sire has made the decision for her. I am partly to blame for that, as I am still trying to get used to him having a tagalong, I forget sometimes.
    “Agreed,” Jess says anyway, but I can tell there will be words later.
    “Agreed,” Lincoln says. “Although how easy is it to get to and from?”
    “Easy enough,” I reassure him with a smile.
    That only leaves Cade. He is slumped in a chair in the furthest corner away from me, staring intently at nothing. We all turn to look at him and it takes him a moment to realize we are waiting for him and he looks up.
    “Well, it isn’t like I have much choice, do I,” he says quietly and goes back to his staring at the carpet. I can feel his pain and anger and I wish I could ease it for him.
    After a few seconds I say, “Great, we are agreed. We will move on in three months. Should be enough time to get all your affairs in order.”
    “How will we just disappear?” Jess asks worriedly.
    “G6 crash,” Devon says. “Simplest way to do it, no survivors, no bodies.”
    I nod, having come up with the same conclusion.
    “Oh,” she says quietly as the enormity of what we are about to undertake hits her. I turn to Cole and squeeze his hand reassuringly. This will be a huge deal for him as well and I need to ensure that he is okay with it all. He smiles back to let me know he is fine so I dismiss the meeting after Devon says, “Lizzie, I need a word with you.”
    I know I am in trouble with him over the CK thing, but I need to deal with it so I ask everyone to leave us alone so he can yell at me in private. Jess is reluctant to leave and lingers until he turns to her sharply and says, “Leave us.” She goes without another word. I blink in surprise at him. He has changed into someone I hardly recognize. He has changed into a sire. I sigh, wishing that this had never happened to him.
    “I know what you are going to say,” I say, pre-empting his strike, “but don’t, okay, please. It is done and that’s it.”
    “How do you know what I am going to say?” he asks with a curious look at me. “You have no idea what I want to say to you.”
    “Devon?” I ask him. “What is with you?” I really don’t care for this attitude of his.
    He swoops in on me suddenly and gathers me in his arms. He kisses me and I kiss him back. I cling to him as I have missed him and I want him back as he was before. He cups my face and pushes me back against the billiards table, grinding his hips against me. I let out a little noise of yearning and he deepens the kiss, lifting me onto the edge of the table.
    “Need you,” he whispers, still kissing me.
    “Take me,” I whisper back.
    He pushes me down flat onto the table and stands in between my legs. He pulls on my hips to get my backside right to the edge of the table and slowly pulls my panties down. He undoes his pants as I watch him, hungry for his touch. He slowly inserts himself into me as I wrap my legs around him, pulling him closer. He closes his eyes as he savors the feel of me.
    “Oh, Lizzie,” he says. “You feel so good.” He steps back from me, withdrawing himself, and I know what he wants from me. I Shift and he is back inside me as soon as I am Elizabeth. “I’ve missed you so much,” he says. “It has been too long.”
    I completely agree. The last time we were together was in Miami with Cole. It feels like a lifetime away. He is pumping gently into me, taking his time with me even though he knows there are people waiting for both of us. He needs this and I need him. I reach up and pull him down to kiss me and then he speeds up, pounding me into the table and making me orgasm in a spectacular ripple through my body. He groans as he feels it and lets himself go, pouring himself into me.
    “I love you,” he murmurs.
    “I love you,” I say back to him and he smiles down at me.
    “I love it when you say that to me,” he says, now completely back to his normal self as he pulls me up and

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