Three to Play

Free Three to Play by Kris Cook

Book: Three to Play by Kris Cook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kris Cook
Everything has changed because we couldn’t control our dicks.”
    “I’m still in the room, Clint. We all had a part in this. I’m not innocent here.” Beth’s voice stung him.
    “Don’t listen to him, darlin. He gets things in his head.”
    “Like what?” Beth looked straight at Clint.
    Time to get the upper hand, just the way he liked it.
    “No one can blame you, Beth. I don’t.”
    “What do you mean blame me? ”
      “We were brought into the station to improve ratings.”
    Her eyes widened. “You think that I let you into my bed to save my job.”
    Clint felt like a complete prick, but that didn’t matter. Regaining his discipline, his restraint, and his leverage was all that concerned him now. Best not to say another word. Make her sweat.So, he sent a shrug.
    Beth swung her legs to the opposite side of the bed. She stood up with her backside totally exposed, then walked to the closet. Pulling out a baby blue robe, she wrapped it around her like a suit of armor. “Both of you, get the hell out of here.”
    “Darlin, please. Send him away, but not me.” Dustin turned back to Clint. His eyes inflamed, furious.
    “Please, both of you, leave. This went way too far.”
    “Okay. I’ll leave with Clint.” Dustin jumped off the bed.
    “Thank you.”
    “This has been an incredible birthday. Neither of you nor Clint can deny it.”
    “Go. Now. Please.” Beth’s eyes glistened but no tears fell.
    Clint felt like a thousand screws twisted into his gut, anchoring him to shame.

* * * *

    Dustin hadn’t said a single word since leaving Beth’s apartment. The quiet as they drove to their rental house gave Clint time to think, to plan a strategy.
    No more three-ways. No more morning show trio. No more Beth.
    But Beth Taylor’s fate on the show might prove more difficult when it came to persuading Dustin to Clint’s side. Dustin might be a hard sell, but Clint never failed to get his friend back on plan, even with Dustin’s well-known stubbornness set in.
    As Clint parked in the driveway, Dustin broke the silence.
    “What the fuck is wrong with you!”
    Dustin’s venom surprised Clint. The norm for Dustin ran from happy-go-lucky and jovial to, at very rare times, slightly agitated. But tonight, he sped past his norm to blazing fury. Clint needed to be calm, or his buddy might go into a rage.
    “Dustin, we took things too far with Beth.”
    “What a pile of horse shit. Something happened back there. I felt it. I think Beth felt it, too. But I doubt you felt anything.”
    A storm brewed inside Dustin, a storm Clint didn’t want to but must face. His plan for their careers demanded it. So, he pressed on.
    “I’ll tell you exactly what you felt, your hard dick in Beth’s tight pussy. Nothing else.”
    “Fuck you.”
    “Something did happen. We crossed the line, and that complicates things at the station. We broke our rule.” Clint chose his next words carefully.   “She’s a good announcer, but we have a team. Luckily, it’s not too late to fix this mess.”
    “You and your rules can fuck off for all I care.”
    “Dustin, we are a duo. That works for us. Sure, she’s been doing well for the past few weeks, but can she keep it up?”
    “Clint, you can forget it.”
    “Forget what?”
    Dustin’s eyes narrowed. “Plans you have of deep-sixing Beth.”
    “She can’t stay on mornings with us. It won’t work.”
    “The hell it won’t.”
    A pain exploded at the back of Clint’s head. The dream of making it to New York and burning up the airways with Dustin seemed to be evaporating. Beth succeeded in wedging herself between him and Dustin over the past few weeks. Clint should’ve suspected it, but instead he remained quiet, enamored with her, too. She was a smart woman, but he couldn’t let Beth win. Though he’d been stupid to let her stay as long as he did.
    “That’s Candi’s decision, not mine.”
    “You can cut the crap. I know you. I know how you operate. If you have your

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