The Witch's Thief
left him as she surrendered to his touch. Her hands, which had been on his arm supporting him, now crept along his chest until they wrapped themselves around his neck, drawing him closer.
    Her closed mouth now opened, welcoming his tongue to hers, welcoming him home.
    Yes, he was, at last, home.
    His heart knew, sensed, yearned it.
    Basil kissed her deeply while leaning against the wall with trembling legs. He prayed for the strength to continue kissing her a moment longer before his legs collapsed and he tumbled to the floor.
    Had he forgotten how wonderful her kisses made him feel? How delicious she tasted?
    He found his memory had not served them justice. His heart pounded in a wild rhythm. He pulled her closer so she could feel his heart beating only for her.
    Dizziness followed, and before he knew what happened, he slipped to the floor.
    They tumbled onto the carpet in his room.
    “Oof!” Julia said, as she landed atop him. Basil’s head struck the floor and pain spasmed down his back. But, when Julia squirmed over his body, her legs fumbling to find purchase, his pain was forgotten.
    He clasped his arms around her, holding her prisoner against his body. She froze and looked into his eyes.
    Hunger replaced her surprise, and again she kissed him. This time with her writhing body atop his. Basil barely breathed as she kissed him deeply, hungrily. His hands roamed her womanly terrain, exploring her body from the top of her head, where he gently extracted the pins from her hair, allowing the silky curls to fall covering him like a blanket, then flow along her shoulders and down her back. He found her derriere and pulled her closer, tighter to him, rubbing her along his hardness that she certainly must feel through the thin material of her dress.
    Julia broke slightly away from their kiss.
    “The door,” she whispered, before plunging her tongue back into his mouth.
    Door? What door?
    Oh, yes, the bedroom door was still wide open. No need to allow any wandering servants a chance to witness this. With his eyes still closed, his mouth still hungrily devouring hers, he moved his leg over, found the door and kicked it closed.
    Then his hands were on her bodice. He slid the fabric down low until one breast popped free from its confines. He took her nipple in his mouth.
    “Basil!” she cried, her fingers ravaged his hair, lifting his head to meet her breast.
    He suckled her nipple, licking and nibbling. She cried out. When he finished his attentions on that particular breast, he lifted the other free and concentrated his mouth there.
    Julia whispered his name over and over, stirring his passions higher with each syllable.
    She tossed her head back, her long dark hair whipping in the air above him. His fingers found the fabric of her dress and slowly plucked the fabric upward, exposing her legs. Then he sat up, dragging her legs apart to straddle his waist. She sat on his lap and continued to kiss him. Sometimes her kisses drifted from his mouth to his chin, across his cheek to his ear. Her fingers combed through his hair and down to the remnants of his cravat. Her fingers flickered. She muttered a simple spell to undo the complicated knot, and it was free.
    Then she yanked at the rest of his attire. Buttons undone, snaps freed, her fingers pulling and pushing, stretching the cloth across his chest in search for his skin. He tried to assist her. His mind was fogged with desire. He allowed her the control she needed to undress him. When his arm caught in his shirtsleeves, he struggled to free it. She wiggled her fingers again, whispering another spell, and his shirt dropped to the floor.
    He had no idea those spells would come into such practical use. He chuckled and smiled against her lips.
    And then his smiling vanished as her fingers found the expanse of skin on his chest. She ran her fingers all over him. His turn to groan. Her touch was timid, yet bold. Eager, yet wary. She explored his body for the first time, and he felt

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