The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)
nothing more.
    When her gaze flicked to his mouth, it was all he could do not to press his lips to hers.
    “Kieran,” she whispered, before straightening her shoulders. “Aren’t we going to be late? Don’t want to miss your packmates.”
    “You’re right, of course.” His arms, however, refused to release his prize.
    She hesitated for a heartbeat before stepping back and away from him. “Then we should get going.”
    A growl rumbled from his chest before he could bite it back.
    The witch glanced at him with a coolly arched eyebrow.
    “After you, darling,” he replied, gesturing toward the door.
    Still, as they left the apartment Kieran couldn’t help placing his hand at the small of her back. Though she stiffened at the touch, she didn’t shrug it off. Progress.
    And tomorrow, he decided, he’d buy all the tea he could carry.

Chapter Six
    C hloe couldn’t help sneaking sidelong glances at her date. He looked downright dapper in his all-black suit—sophisticated, elegant, just like the businessman he was by day. But every now and then he’d look her way, and the wolf would be staring out of his dark eyes.
    Like when she’d come down the stairs.
    Her fingers curled tighter on her clutch. She’d been surprised her dress hadn’t ignited from the searing heat of his gaze. Crossing the distance to the foyer to him, she’d been prepared for an argument. Instead she’d been faced with absolute approval. Something deep within her coiled more tightly at the knowledge that she—plain old Chloe—had had the power to stun a man as powerful, and as experienced, as Kieran.
    Maybe this plan might just work.
    “Ready?” Kieran’s voice broke through her thoughts as the car pulled to a stop before a brightly lit gallery.
    She drew a deep breath and nodded. “We can do this.” He’d been very clear about her role tonight. She knew exactly what part to play.
    Fingers entwined with hers, drawing her attention back to the man at her side.
    “We can do this,” he agreed, pressing his lips to her knuckles without ever dropping his gaze.
    Chloe stepped out into the cool night air and rubbed her knuckles on her skirt to banish the heat of his mouth. Kieran appeared at her side seconds later to offer his arm.
    Together they walked into the gallery already teaming with life.
    Sound hit her like a wave when the doors opened. Pounding music filled the air, her first clue that this wasn’t any staid, predictable art show.
    Though colorful paintings lined the pure white walls, the lighting of the gallery would have fit more easily into a rave than a studio. Chloe’s ears were on overload, and she glanced at her date, a creature with senses far more finely tuned than hers.
    “What is going on?” she asked.
    “That would be Patrick Draven,” Kieran said. “He has never been a fan of the expected.”
    “But doesn’t this all seem rather garish?”
    “Precisely. If I hazard a guess, I’d say he’s trying to keep human critics away. Make them think the viewing is all flash and show without substance.”
    “Why?” she asked as they moved farther into the packed gallery. “Isn’t more interest better for the artists he represents?”
    “Not when he wants to give the supernatural community first crack.”
    With his hand around her waist, Kieran guided her to one of the champagne towers set up along the walls and passed her a glass.
    “Is anyone from your pack here?” she asked, using the flute to cover her lips.
    “Several,” he replied, a sharp glance raking the other attendees. “I give it two minutes before they descend on us.”
    She swallowed, the bubbles burning her throat. “Okay,” she wheezed. “Then tell me more about Draven.”
    Not releasing his grip on her, Kieran guided her around the impressive art lining the walls. “Draven is one of a kind. No one really knows where his talents come from, be they magical in origin or merely learned, but either way, he is able to predict artistic

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