Island Refuge (Wildflower B&B Romance Book 1)

Free Island Refuge (Wildflower B&B Romance Book 1) by Kimberly Rose Johnson Page B

Book: Island Refuge (Wildflower B&B Romance Book 1) by Kimberly Rose Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Rose Johnson
return it to her.”
    “How is that illegal?”
    “The ring is someplace in this house. You see, Jason had a brain tumor, and he was on heavy pain medicine. Between those two issues, he couldn’t recall where he’d hidden the ring.”
    Zoe shook her head and lowered her voice. “Are you sure the ring even exists? Couldn’t his condition have made him imagine it?”
    “I suppose, but if you’d been there, you’d have believed him too. He had a scrapbook his mom had made for him and we were looking through it together one day when he spotted the ring. His dying wish was that I find the ring and return it to his grandmother.”
    “Let me get this straight. You’re here because you need to find a ring?”
    “Why did he take the ring to begin with?”
    Rachel shrugged. “I asked him the same thing and he couldn’t remember.”
    Everything finally made sense—the pictures because she was quietly casing the place looking for possible hiding places for the ring, the vomiting, her tiredness … “We should tell Nick. He can help us. Besides, you need prenatal care.”
    “Forget my medical condition for a moment. Are you sure about telling Nick? Since this is his house now, technically everything in it belongs to him.”
    “Not stolen merchandise.”
    For the first time since Zoe stepped into the room, a grin covered Rachel’s face. “You’re a genius. I didn’t think of that.”
    “Good. One problem solved. One to go. We need to get you set up with a doctor.”
    “Forget it. I don’t have money for that. I’ll go to the emergency room when it’s time.”
    Zoe wanted to argue, but from the firm set of Rachel’s lips, she knew it would be pointless. “Fine, but at least take prenatal vitamins. You want to give your baby the best nutrients possible.”
    “Since when are you an expert on babies?”
    Zoe bristled. “I’m not, but I know things. I can ask Nick to pick you up some the next time he goes to the city.”
    “I suppose since he’s a doctor, he’d know what to buy.” Rachel spoke softly as if Zoe weren’t in the room and pushed back from the table. “It’s such a relief to tell someone about the ring.”
    Clearly all pregnancy talk was off limits. “I would imagine so. Now we have to figure out where a young boy would have hidden it.”

    N ICK SPRAYED THE BACK OF THE house a crisp white. Hiring a crew to prep and prime the house had been a huge time saver. A little further and he’d be finished. Chase had finally shown up to help and worked on the front, since it was more complicated. Things were coming together. A scream ripped through the air, coming from the front of house. Nick dropped the paint sprayer and broke into a full sprint.
    He rounded the corner of the house and skidded to a stop. Rachel stood beside the door dripping in white paint. “What happened?”
    “ He ,” she pointed a finger covered in paint at Chase, “sprayed me.”
    Chase’s red face said it all.
    Nick stifled a groan.
    The door opened again, and Zoe barreled out. “What’s going on? I heard someone scream.” She looked from Nick to Chase then touched a hand to her lips when she spotted Rachel standing to the side of the doorway. “Oh.” Her giggle grew to all-out laughing within seconds.
    Rachel’s lips twitched.
    Nick couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled up either. He noticed Chase’s sheepish grin and eventual smile. Finally Rachel joined in.
    Chase whistled, effectively silencing them all. “You’re a bunch of hyenas. Miss, I apologize for spraying paint all over you. My only excuse is that I was listening to my tunes and you got caught in the rhythm.”
    “I’ll survive. I should have announced I was opening the door.”
    “Wouldn’t have heard you anyway. Let me buy you dinner to make up for it, or at least pay to have your clothes cleaned.”
    Nick raised a brow.
    “Thanks, but not necessary.” She turned to Zoe. “Think you could hose me

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