Sherlock Holmes: The Shadow From Beyond
dialects, the original language is ancient indeed. Ruins, glyphs and symbols also needed to be identified and deciphered.
    Some of the older geographic maps provided by the Count had been updated by Harper in respect to place names and topography. Ancient cities and towns, some now long wiped from the face of the earth, have been re-labeled, marked, or updated. The majority of which are situated in Germany, France, and Spain, with a few located on the British isles. Of more specific note the city of Bad Münster in Germany, just west of Frankfurt, had been mentioned several times and a red check mark placed besides.
    The journal also contained crude drawings of an artifact of great interest, named the ‘Eye of the Watcher’ also referred to sometimes as the ‘Key’ or ‘Gate’. This seems to be the main focus of Harper’s research, as the location of this
    ‘Eye’ relic was a priority for Lebda, and Harper may have known its possible location.
    According to Harper’s description, the ‘Eye’ is a circular gem with multiple facets, pitch black in color, and as dark as the void. It is noted though that on certain occasions the gem pulses with a strange light that glows and swirls within its center, the cause of this is uncertain, but it is possible this is related to some astronomical phenomenon. The gem itself is surrounded by a border of metallic material that runs around its circumference about four inches wide. Along this border area are multiple lines of ruins and symbols of obvious ancient origin, very similar to those found on some of Harper’s ancient maps and documents. A rough translation of this script is included with the drawing: “Behind the Eye the Watcher stares, on the threshold it waits.” And on the opposite face; “When the Eye returns to its Face, the Watcher will See once more. All it Sees it will take.”
    “This is the item that Count Lebda seems to be concerned with Watson.” Holmes pointed out. “He has enlisted the aid of Professor Harper to narrow down the location of where this artifact may be so he can obtain it. Harper had extensive knowledge of these historic objects through his pagan studies, his knowledge of the Crusades and via access to the Necronomicon. I am sure that Lebda tried unsuccessfully to find the ‘Eye’ himself and failing on his own, he turned to Harper for aid. What the nature of this artifact is and what so-called abilities it holds are still unknown to me. Although reference to it was made a few times within that dread tome and other notes, its use is vague. It is mentioned in the Necronomicon that the ‘Eye’ possesses some dark powers and is a necessary element to fulfill certain occult ceremonies, I must agree and assume its use will be to facilitate some strange heathen ritual, although I do not understand the science behind it.”
    “Perhaps science is not related Holmes. Maybe this is beyond our realm of knowledge, something alien and inexplicable.” Watson noted dryly.
    “It is possible that you are correct in that statement and that no worldly rules apply, but I must remain steadfast that we will be able to solve this mystery using traditional methods. They have never failed me in the past and should suffice for the present.”
    Although somewhat skeptical, the doctor kept faith in his friend’s incredible sleuthing abilities to pull them through. If anyone can succeed against insurmountable odds it was Sherlock Holmes.
    The detective continued to expand on the journal’s contents as Watson listened attentively. They included vague notes concerning the actual ‘Watcher’ mentioned on the inscription, with associated names and descriptions of who or what may actually be this entity; Shub-Niggurath - ‘The black goat of the woods’, and Cthulhu - ‘A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings.’ are listed with question marks beside them, but a large red circle and a check mark most probably

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