Hot Billionaire Sex

Free Hot Billionaire Sex by Honey Taylor

Book: Hot Billionaire Sex by Honey Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey Taylor
tie of the robe and she pulled it free. She wrapped the tie around her wrists and held them up to Marcus.
    “I said I didn’t want to tie you up,” he said.
    Candice grinned. “What about what I want?” she asked.
    Marcus returned the grin and she saw the gleam of excitement light up in his eyes. “Seems like I might have met a soul mate,” he said. Grabbing the tie he wrapped one end tightly around Candice’s wrists. The other he pulled up to the metal headboard and tied it around a strut. She pulled against the bonds, but they were secured tightly in place and the heat of desire lit up in her. Marcus stood and she could do nothing but watch as he stripped his clothes off and got back on the bed. He pressed his weight down onto Candice and this time she could feel the erection touching against her bare skin. Marcus pushed the robe wide open to completely expose her naked body as his lips caressed onto Candice’s again and she gasped at the passion that sparked between them. The billionaire moved his lips to her neck, the touch sending a shudder through his body. He worked his mouth around the soft skin until it reached her ear. “You’re mine now,” he said. “To do with what I want.”
    Candice gasped again as the lips kissed away from her ear and worked down her throat to the top of her chest. She arched her back to push herself up when Marcus kissed onto the swell of a breast. Her skin was fluttering under the gentle touch, but the kisses grew more forceful as they approached a nipple. Candice closed her eyes and groaned as the lips circled around the erect bud and Marcus took it into his mouth. She convulsed as his teeth grazed over it and bit gently. Her body arched up higher from the bed as the bite became more forceful and agony mixed with ecstasy in building her desire. Marcus finally released the grip of his teeth and licked at the nipple. The sensation was soothing and Candice shivered as her excitement continued to climb. The billionaire took his time, working between the breasts to give both equal attention until Candice was moaning at the thrill of the touch on her body. He finally worked lower, the touch of his lips gentle again as he kissed across the taut midriff to a hip bone. He then worked kisses across to the opposite hip bone and back again. The touch worked across her midriff again and she cried out at the excruciating torture of wanting the kisses to slide lower on her body. Marcus continued to tease her though and she squirmed around on the bed as her desire for more ran out of control.
    Candice started to beg for him to kiss lower and he finally gave in to her pleading, his mouth sliding to the top of her pussy lips. She felt the tongue teasing into the wet folds of skin and her hips shot up from the bed at the electric touch of the lick onto her clitoris. She was suddenly writhing around harder as Marcus focused his attention onto the erect nub. He slid fingers to it and completely exposed the clit so that he could touch the tip of his tongue onto it. Candice cries got louder as the pure thrill of the moment rushed her senses and sent waves of pleasure crashing down on her. She pushed up against Marcus and felt his tongue working harder onto her clit, the tip flicking relentlessly across it until the touch was almost unbearable. The billionaire finally moved his mouth lower and kissed onto the slick pussy lips, his tongue flicking out again as he worked to open Candice up to him. It pushed inside and she bucked up from the bed again at the penetration. The feel of the tongue burrowing inside her was gorgeous and she tried to push down the bed towards it. She cursed the bonds holding her in place as they stopped her progress and struggled against them. Marcus brought fingers to the wet skin between Candice’s thighs and slid them either side of the slick pussy entrance. He pulled at the skin and she groaned as she felt herself being stretched open. It allowed the

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